While I’m sure the team is working on making water-landable aircraft interact more realistically with water, especially with large waves, I do also think the non-water-landable aircraft should have some amount of interaction with the water.
My personal gripe is when bush flying, and trying to land a cub next to a river, when the wheel just touches the slightest bit of water, at close to 0 vertical airspeed, the plane “collides” and crashes into the water. I feel like water should behave the same on all aircraft where interaction with the water causes huge amounts of drag instead. This would mean something like a cub would flip over if the wheels are dipped too far into the water, but skip along the top if handled carefully, and it could also allow for soft emergency landings in water with other aircraft.
I know this might be a very niche issue/request, but I’ll just throw it out there.