Most of grass strip are still not there

Brief description of the issue:
Trinca, Andover [13N] US has no grass strip visible, this is true for most of small airstrip.
Some of taxy way and parking is done but that is not adequate if grass strip is not visible from the air on pattern no use of this airport at all!!
Decided to go for a spin but quite disappointed when see there is nothing that give immersive experience, yes we love the good things about MSFS and it got me back in flight sim world after long time, but I think we are still not there, even after US Update if you do not get decent scenery objects to give you that pleasant and immersive experience.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

here is how it looks in actual life

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
every time you land there

Hi @VictorWarrior15!
On things like this, it is best to submit to zendesk so that they see it.

Zendesk is the appropriate channel.


I agree. It’s a widespread problem. At first, I thought it was something to do with my graphics settings, but the airfields are just not there. It makes it impossible to spot them from the air (or even when you’re on the ground). In my experience, about 50% of them have been missing.

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Looks like that link is an archived post for Alpha/Beta testers. I can’t access it.

Thank you, it was a link to there. :woozy_face:

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It would be good if there were a thread like that that Asobo monitored. I’m happy to report the missing airfields, but there are so many of them that going through the process of raising a ticket for each one would become a bit of a bind.

Here’s one but, not official. Hasn’t been updated (has high votes though):

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@VictorWarrior15 You know that you are playing without bing data?

the airport looks like this with bing data. Still hard to see but much better:

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The problem here is they have attended this airport as there are taxi way drawn, so looks like that ASOBO cut corners here rather than grass :smile:

This indeed look different , would you please share how do you mean by not using Bing data?

Funny. :wink:
In Options in MSFS under Data - assure Bing World Data is on.
If you still not see it like what @paulanergraz wrote, try clearing your Rolling Cache data.

I also looked at this and I see it how @paulanergraz does.

Guys please vote this topic if you came here looking for solution to this problem and facing same problem on any grass airport.

got it now it is lot better though far from reality but something to make us happy.
In real life it looks something like this

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That’s still pretty good from real to sim.
There’s a grass strip near where I live that is about the same as real to sim.

Glad you got your strip back! :slight_smile:

It is how it looks on Bing map in aerial view.
Though there are two different views for different zooms.

Without a XPLANE GATEWAY like system this sim is useless… I have just checked a new strip I am realising on ORBX for Xplane as I want to port it on MSFS along with the other one I released so far.

It is shocking…on MSFS it looks like e favelas, containers with air conditioning not even an airfield, default Xplane 11 is pretty much spot on, even the shape of the back hangars by using facades so easy to make. I cannot state which one as it is an unannounced field in England :wink: (so by the way not somewhere in the middle of the desert!)

It is unthinkable to have as sim or a game whatever way you use it, in which you have to update fields manually, especially something that is meant to be “as real as it gets” and “world wide”, and do not get me wrong as a dev I am happy as it is P3D all over with a 15 years old databse and no fields looked acceptable out of the box, but as a simmer I do not want to have such a pointless waste of potential and neither should you…

It would be very simple for a triple A developer to implement something like that and considering the volume of people we would all enjoy each other work and can still purchase fields you really want as real as it gets but can still enjoy a “feeling” of fields you do not care having with too much details.

Strips so far have been all there, so not saying the data is bad, everything else is though overlay wise you really do not have the same feeling and defeats the “as real as it gets” but also even near that…

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