Most stunning flightsim flight I've ever had, until CTD

Was flying the most amazing flight tonight, right over my house as it so happened, absolutely breathtaking scenery. IFR flight on Vatsim, Just Flight Warrior, GTN750, everything in synch, the universe in harmony. Approaching my destination, get clearance for the approach, AND…

Kersplat, CTD. Sigh.


Yeah, we all get ctd’s, to a greater or lesser extent (lesser in my case, thank goodness) but if it happens when you have something special going, it’s a real pain. The only consolation, I guess, is that your ctd is contributing to the improvement of the sim!? Cheers.


Great perspective to have.


Nice pics. Still beautiful. Occasional CTDs small price to pay for the world class product we get in return in my opinion though, and this sim getting better all the time and only going up. And every CTD now means fewer in the future.

The future is bright for MSFS. Curse a few times when you CTD, then reset and start enjoying the beautiful sim once again and it will fade away quickly.

:slightly_smiling_face: :flight_departure:


Should I report it to Zendesk? I have no idea why it happened.

PC Version

It looks like you’re flying the SR-22. I experience a lot of CTDs using that aircraft, more than any other aircraft. I don’t know what it is. Removing all mods and running default MSFS doesn’t help me either.

I have been able to complete 1 of 4 flights with it in the last week. I really like all the features and view when using it. I would use it a lot more if it was stable for me. When using it, I usually CTD after landing, shutting down, and then clicking continue to return to the main menu. As a result, my flights (usually about 1.5 hours) don’t show up in my log. Like you, I still enjoyed looking around all the scenery and the flight itself however.

Recommendation: Although it might be coincidence for my system, non-American default, deluxe, and premium aircraft (other than the 172) seem more stable, in regards to CTD.

I don’t get CTD’s… when I’ve got my system clean.

If you are getting CTD’s, I’d check your addons. This includes addons you’ve purchased from the marketplace, which will be in your OneStore folder.

Things I look for:
the most common, files with the same name and same path. Stuff like modellib.bgl and other files where authors fail to create unique paths to their files, or just use default names for files instead of making them unique. Look for this in both liveries and scenery packages. Authors will use the same directory as is in the default plane in Simobjects\Airplanes\xxx … xxx should be a unique name. That or the modellib.bgl file mentioned above in scenery, or in other locations. The path has to be unique or the VFS will screw up.

Then there are other issues, like the bug recently introduced that I don’t know is fixed where the VFS ignores the path of materials and makes them all available, which I imagine causes CTD’s. I’m not sure if this is fixed yet, it might be. In this case, textures with the same name will likely cause CTD’s not matter what the path to them is. This was a bug. Hopefully it’s fixed now.

Poorly formed liveries. There’s all kinds of mistakes authors make for liveries, and, if even an AI plane tries to access one, it can cause a crash.

There are some others, but, the unique path is the most common.

Many would disagree and say the sim is getting worse, it’s more unstable and the graphics are worse than on release.

I havent got a CTD in months… Often flying 4 hour flights.


I reinstalled the sim a few days ago because it wouldn’t update from the store (smh). Now it crashes just a minute into flying around. This drives me mad. No add-ons installed, I have plenty of performance and fps. It just freezes and back to desktop we go. Seems like it’s gonna be system reinstall kinda weekend.

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Addition to my previous post from today or yesterday: no CTD anymore (at least none after just minutes of playing) after disabling live weather and automatic updates and other redundant things in the Microsoft Store settings. So no multiplayer and no live weather anymore, at least for the time being. I had no issues on this 30 min flight. Looks promising. Don’t know what did it eventually. But it was one of these two things. Or both. Who knows.

Same here, I do not even remember when I had a CTD.
However, I have NO MODS or ADDONS…Nothing added to the the sim, nothing.

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Used to be immune from CTD’s. Last night I had 4 in a row flying the CRJ, 3 occurred on the ground while entering the flight plan, the 4th while airborne.

I stayed with it and finally got airborne on the 5th try, only to overspeed and rip the wings off when my daughter distracted me during my climb out.


Same. I have had no CTD for a long time. But last two days I had them during entering flight plan in 320nx (tried both development an stable versions) or during taxi.

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