Motion compensation for WMR headsets

I have recently build a motion sim too. I was worried about the same issue. In my experience, with the range of motion of a typical compact 2-3DOF seat design you don’t really need motion compensation. I can honestly say that’s the last of my worries. Whatever motion you can see in the cabin seems consistent with your head bobbing around under the G-forces inside the real plane. You would really need motion compensation if you have a 360 degree yaw for example, but you don’t need one with VR.

If you drive your rig with FlyPT Mover as I do, it can interface with OpenVR motion compensation layer, and drive motion compensation directly with your rig data - no need for any trackers etc. However to the best of my knowledge, there is no solution for WMR OpenXR. As I said, I was worried about that, but the gurus at XSimulator forums told me that :

  1. With VR less is more: you need relatively small and precise motion cues, not large movements.
  2. With small movements you don’t really need motion compensation, and even when it works it can be more trouble than it’s worth.

And I confirmed it when testing my rig - I don’t really miss the lack of MC at all.