Motion or no motion for full cockpit?

Hey all, I am planning on building a full size cockpit with something like the RealSimGear G1000 suite built into a panel and three 55"-60" inch displays. I am trying to determine whether or not to go motion or no motion. My understanding after some research is that full motion rigs would have a very hard time supporting the weight of three 55"+ TVs, meaning that if I used those TVs they would be on normal monitor stands and not attached to the motion rig.

Is it pointless to use a motion rig if the screens are not attached to the rig? Or do you think 55" displays are big enough that it’s okay that they are not attached. Thank you in advance for any insight or experience anyone can share.

I guess it’ll look weird if it’s not connected. Most motion simulators have their selected weight that they can hold in the specifications.
If you want motion, get motion, if you don’t think it’s worth the money, don’t get it.

Sounds like money is a non-issue for you. If that’s the case, I would go for a 6DOF motion simulator. They can handle a lot more weight than the little seat movers.
Products - Motion Systems

O have Motion I prefer use Motion with VR.

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The Whole Hog :smiley:

I see on the web, VR Flightsim Guy and SimHanger ( Mark ), VR is the only way to go.
2448 x 2448 per eye MINIMUM. 90Hz MINIMUM.

My rig looks a real lash up. Sticky tape and psuedo lever knobs on stalks.

BUT, they look just fine in VR. It’s the touch and location that must be correct.

On my Spitfire stick, I have a 1 turn potentiometer with a stalk on it, zip-clipped to an old bit of bicycle, strapped onto the yoke. That is the Brake lever for both brakes.
Works just dandy.

Get some airline sick bags :face_vomiting:

If I had the money (and room) for a motion cockpit, I would definitely go VR, with a single monitor for the times I’m not flying and need to do other computer ‘stuff.’