Mouse/camera movements broken while in cockpit when using controller

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Brief description of the issue:
During flights, I use a controller to operate the aircraft’s yoke, rudders, and thrust levers; and I use my mouse to operate the internal controls/buttons. In the new update, I am unable to use my mouse and controller simultaneously. Meaning I have to stop using my controller to move my cursor around. In addition, I can’t even use my mouse to pan the camera without completely disconnecting the controller.

This control issue in this new update prevents me to use my controller and keyboard/mouse simultaneously. I am debating deleting the game due to this inconvenience. If I cannot get any help on this, that is what will happen.

I enjoy this game and I hope this issue gets fixed.

I also have an issue where my camera constantly pans either up or down when my controller is connected. I have added a deadzone to fix any drift, but my camera still continues to move.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Connect both a Bluetooth Xbox controller and keyboard and mouse. Try to use the mouse to operate cockpit buttons/switches while using the controller as a yoke. You will be unable to operate the mouse unless there is no input from the controller. You will have to completely disconnect the controller to use the mouse for panning the camera.

PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
i7-10700KF, RTX 3070, 16GB RAM.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
I searched far and wide for a version number within the MSFS application. I was unable to find one. You guys gotta fix that. The version I am running is the newest version of MSFS that came out today. I believe it is but I could be wrong.

Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Microsoft Store

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?
I did not submit this issue to Zendesk.

I have the same issue. :roll_eyes:


Somewhat same issue… Mouse stutters, or pauses, jumps about when trying to move from buttons or dials. Almost impossible to use the instruments, of AP. Happens with all aircraft.

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Same issue here, can’t move camera with mouse once I turn on Xbox controller

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Okay, I found a solution. Microsoft Flight simulator has made the fix of this very unintuitive. But, nonetheless, I have Found it. You must go into settings > accessibility and change the “Control Mode” from “Lock” to “Legacy.”. Then, you will be able to use the controls simultaneously.

I do not see the option for “control mode” in the accessability settings…The only thing available to change to legacy is “cockpit interaction systems”.


I have mode set to Legacy. Yet the issue persists.

If you use controller (joystick), check in your controller controls, if you have set up “COCKPIT VIEW YAW AXIS” AND “COCKPIT VIEW PITCH AXIS”, I removed the binding for it and it started to work for me. You can’t control camera with controller, but with mouse, yes, so it works…

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