Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?
Brief description of the issue:
The menu tabs at the bottom of the home window or Flight Escape window are not reacting to mouse click - even though the click color on the TAB does indicate.
The mouse click works in other parts of MSFS.
The Relevant Keyboard strokes do work ie ESC / SPACE / HOME / END etc
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
I’m curious to know if this happens 100% of the time or just some of the time. I was in a situation earlier where I could not click on Content Manager. However, when I restarted the sim, it worked fine for me.
It seems to only happen occasionally… but more often lately.
I am trying to figure out if there is any pattern relating to when it occurs.
It did not happen at all with Windows 10.
I will do a few more tests and see if the glitch is still happening or if the settings mods I made (for another issue) have made any change.
It is happen to me randomly since WU13.
If I restart the sim everything backs to normal.
In my case this is happening after a flight when I exit to main menu. My user profile and status server options box simply is missing.