Mouse/clickspots stop working in VR when returning from Menu

Using Pimax.
In VR the mouse sometimes chooses not to interact with anything in the cockpit.
Invisible instructions in VR.
Inability to assign buttons to Pimax controllers (their VR partner! ahahahaha) - we want to use our controllers to walk around! Keyboard mouse is not usable in VR - how can this be news to you developers?

I mean this game is a complete hotmess. I paid AUD189 for a game that is essentially EARLY ACCESS. Why didn’t you have a beta so people could test this for you. You would have had thousands of volunteers, with all the good will in the world. Instead you took our money, promised the world, and delivered this glitchy mess that is just incredibly frustrating at present.

Shame on you Asobo and Microsoft.

I also want to rant about how horrible the AI American voices are. Do you know there are AI voices that come in different accents? Do you know that their are AI voices that come with the ability to enunciate punctuation, like simple pauses where a comma is in the script. Or did you have AI write the scripts as well?

I never want to hear, “Let’s go captain”, with ‘captain’ as a verb, ever again.

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Any update on the fixes for this?

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• No need to start in 2D, I start my flight / inspection in VR, as soon as I pause and resume, the mouse does not do anything any more. VR-Headset: Valve Index

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

The thread now says “Feedback logged”. That lets me hope that the agony of the VR crowd is now known to someone at Asobo and/or Microsoft.

If and when they will react and fix the issue is anybody’s guess…

I have the same problem. On some game launches I cant click anything in VR with my mouse. Some launches I can. I could not find a root cause. It looks random for now.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Clicks on Options bar of Flight Simulator continues working for me

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• mouse clickable area is limited to rectangular box smaller than view field. When moving head and looking elsewhere, this rectangular clickable area moves along. Why not the full area being clickable no matter where you look at?!

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Try shift and “W”, “A”, “S”, “D”. Onced I figured this out, I went in and reprogramed it back to the way it was in 2020.



Description of the issue:
In VR, the mouse pointer is able to control all buttons and screens in the cockpit. However, pausing the sim to go to the menu and utilising the settings menu will disable this behaviour when returning to flight.

This can be fixed by disable/enable VR with the shortcut key.


Everytime you Esc out of the flight and use the settings menu.


  1. Load free flight (or any type of flight)
  2. Enable VR
  3. Check mouse cockpit interaction
  4. Press [Esc]
  5. Click “Settings”
  6. Change a setting. Any setting.
  7. Return to flight
  8. Observe mouse no longer interacts with cockpit, EFB or screens.
  9. Disbale VR
  10. Enable VR
  11. Observe mouse again interactis with cockpit, EFB and screens.


What peripherals are currently plugged in?

  • Virpil rudder pedals
  • Virpil throttle CM3
  • Virpil collective
  • Honeycomb Bravo
  • MOZA FFB Base
  • Quest 3 with Quest Link
  • No VR controllers

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

No dev mode active

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
7900X3D, 64GB RAM


Will add when at home

I can confirm that. The only current workaround seems to be to disable VR and enable it again.

Same here.

Disabling VR and enabling it again will work… one probelm for many of us is that upon doing so we get a black screen. So… with the combination of this problem and that one, VR is unplayable.

Enter VR, have BLACK screen in front of me.

Enter menu to get rid of black screen and mouse stops working,

go back to 2d and back to VR to get mouse working again and black screen appears again…

loop continues.

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I have this here, but just need to press ESC them come back to the game then works again… sometimes get stuck with the toolbar opened.

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Picking up the VR controller and using it to only point somewhere at the cockpit also seems to fix it, at least on Quest.


It’s the same as this bug;

Votes need to be merged, the bug needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Totally agree!

Flying in VR in FS2024 has unfortunately became a struggle with the mouse bug (instead of being sheer pleasure, as intended by the developers)

The good news is that the other thread is already marked as „feedback logged“

Yeah, also getting C2D after hitting back to game when in menu in VR.
Not only pretty annoying, but quite unplayable.

For Quest 3, workaround for me is to use ESC and back to sim. This needs a fix asap!

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same issue as the OP. I’m only able to resolve by going out of VR and back into it…

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• same issues : click no more available after menu and black square at the launch of VR)

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• my VR : HP G2

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video: