That sounds like a bug - however I haven’t experienced that behaviour. I also noticed in my latest session that the cursor is now locked to the window.
I don’t think there was an update, so I am wondering if it is a setting I changed somewhere? I was messing around with graphic settings (both PC and VR).
Don’t ask me why, but I think I’ve found a fix? a workaround? a “non-intended feature”?
For some reasson there is a control in controls > VR > user interface named “SELECT”. This seem to enable and disable the ability to click in the cockpit
What binding would let me hide/show the cursor in VR at click of a mouse button? My buttkicker shakes my rig which shakes my mouse which means I just always have a cursor shaking in front of my eyes which suuuucks
Same problem here! Both in FS2020 and FS2024.
I don’t think it has to do with the buttkicker. I have one too, and a motion rig - so there is plenty of movement. But the phenomenon you described started something like two weeks ago, i.e. before release of FS2024.
Today, I placed my mouse on a table beside the sim, so it is not affected by any movement. And guess what? I get the wandering pointer again, right in my face, at times when I least want to cope with this stupid problem.
I just discovered this issue of the mouse cursor not being confined to the screen limits too. Do you know if this has been logged as a bug yet? Or if it is even considered to be a bug? I’m guessing that a lot of the VR mouse issues that people are seeing could be explained by this as it’s not really self evident when wearing the headset.
I haven’t logged it. I can’t always replicate it. There was a flight or two where it WAS confined to the window, and now it is back to not being confined again.
I’ve noticed a pattern. Everything is fine until I hit ESC and go into the menus. When I exit the menus, the mouse cursor not only won’t click on anything, it doesn’t even change its shape when I mouse over things that are supposed to be clickable.
That and I can can also confirm that it randomly stops like it hit a wall and I have to yank my head in that direction to get it past the sticking point.
I found what caused my mouse to behave erratically in VR:
As a matter of fact, I have two pointing devices connected to my PC. One is a trackball in my rig, used for VR flying. The other one is a regular mouse that sits close to the PC, used for non-flightsim interaction.
After I disconnected that second mouse, my trackball is again rock steady in VR. I have not investigated yet, if the mouse I removed is faulty, or if it just picked up vibrations from a loudspleaker that was very close to it.
But the main thing is: my trackball works again in VR, and that is with a motion rig AND and a buttkicker active…
I thought I share this - maybe it helps others…
PD: the regular FS2024 related VR mouse problems unfortunately persist. I rally hope MS takes note of this and addresses the problem in one of the upcoming bug fixes!
It’s almost certainly that the mouse was registering an input from the vibration. When my screen saver is on all I need to do is bump the desk lightly and the screen saver turns off.
It’s not that, and please crop the picture for “normal” users… It’s quite offensive when people post pictures with 10,000 by 1,000,000 pixels resolution because they have 25 monitors or something and can’t be bothered to crop the picture for the poor plebs. In case you don’t know your picture looks like a black tall rectangle with the supposedly important part in the lower part barely visible on a 4k monitor… I can imagine how it looks on a standard HD monitor.
I don’t have a second mouse and most probably many don’t but I do wonder if another input method for cursor is taking in consideration… maybe the headset movement itself?
For sure the controllers can be used as mouse… but I have them disabled to do that… hm… I think this we need to check.
Jejeje yeap, sorry. I have no idea how on hearth the screenshot ended up like that. I’m also a pleb with a ■■■■■■ monitor, in fact I use and old samsung tv screen XD I only play VR, but that screenshot was taken in 2D mode XD
I have removed all other inputs like the VR controllers asignements…All!
No cursor controls left on any other device still the mouse is a mess to use… flickers… switches from hand to round circle and moves like is moved by a person with huge motor disabilities (no offense to persons in such condition, just an example).