Mouse doesn't turn left

when i try to turn the Camera Tour the left with the mouse it doesn’t move. It only works for the right side.

Zoolander mouse?

(Sorry, couldn’t resist). :grinning:


When you say “turn left”, can you elaborate? What are you turning left with the mouse? A dial?

Assuming you do, you may notice the mouse pointer changes depending on which side of the dial you hover over. One side turns clockwise, the other anti-clockwise.

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That NASCAR sim’s gotta be tough.

NASCAR. Where left turning tendencies aren’t just an aerodynamic effect, but the law!

When I Turn the Camera to the left

Which camera? Do you mean the pilot one?

Without this turning into a one hundred question marathon, would it be possible for you to shoot some video of this issue, then upload to YT or elsewhere?

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like said above, a video with a better description with more context to avoid us to ask you tons of useless info and provide you useless workaround would be very appreciated( is it new ? did you try with empty community folder ? does up down works ? etc )

did you edit the mouse control profile ? maybe some axis have been deleted) try to recreate a new one using the profile manager ( using “M” key in control setting) and try with a new default one

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