Mouse Freelook Not working when is assigned the axis in the Velocity One


Description of the issue:

When the “Cockpit View Yaw Axis” and the “Cockpit View Pitch Axis” is assigned in my “VelocityOne Flighstick” the Mouse "Toggle Cockpit View Freelook (Hold) is not working at all, i cannot move with my mouse into the cokcpit.
But if i delete those assignment in the “VelocityOne Flightstick” the mouse Freelook Works into the cokcpit.
This happens only into the cockpit.
In external camera even with the assignments in the VelocityOne Works the freelook mouse hold.

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Is not the same thing that i’m talking about

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Same issue here. I know what you’re talking about.

I am experiencing the same issue; it only works if I unplug the mouse and plug it back in. However, as soon as I touch the joystick, the mouse freelook is moved to the joystick axis. This is a significant inconvenience. What should I do?

Hi guys, this was also a problem in the FS20. You need to set at least minimal dead zones for the axis assigned to the cockpit view yaw/pitch. It fixes this problem with mouse freelook. When there are no dead zones set then the controller beats the mouse freelook.

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This makes no difference, at least not on Xbox. It still does it even with my VelocityOne fully disconnected.

Going to try this as have the issue reported here, do I assign deadzones to the mouse or the flightstick?

You have to attach a death zone (:)) to the axis

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To the flightstick, otherwise the flightstick has a priority and takes over when the controller’s cockpit view control is not used. I have set a 5% deadzone.

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