Mouselook not working

Hello, I am using MSFS 2020 with a Logitech Extreme 3D flight stick and Saitek Pro Throttle, and for some reason (whether or not peripherals are attached), mouse look / free look does not work.

I cannot rotate the camera and therefore cannot click anything below the default view line in the cockpit, rendering the whole sim pretty much unplayable. In -flight, I can manually force the freelook camera from the camera menu, but then I cannot dismiss that menu, nor click anything in the entirety of the cockpit.

Has anyone else experienced issues like this with the mouse? I’ve ensured that everything is reset to default settings, and nothing seems to help.


Same here… :confused:

Try clicking the middle button on the mouse.(or wheel on my mouse) This toggles free look for me.

I finally figured this out, the culprit is the “true cockpit” setting in General > Camera.

I don’t why this setting was on, but flipping it to off resolved all the issues I was having. The description for that option is pretty useless as well, just saying “debug true cockpit”.

Hope this helps anyone with as similar problem!


It does not helps for me… I have “debug true cockpit” off and free view reset to toggle. In the menu bar, i can not camera type to free. It will be always at fixed view! On free view, i can not close the window anymore, because the mouse arrow is invisible. I hate this sim :cold_sweat:


Same here mouse works fine on outside view but in the cockpit neither right left or middle button give no freelook


In my case, it turned out that I had an xbox controller plugged into the PC to operate the drone, and it was interfering with this mouse freelook functionality. I unplugged the controller, and the mouse freelook in the cockpit immediately started working!