I installed on a removable hard drive and my second computer to talk to that drive for a program I am using can only use physical hard drives. Is it simple to move from drive Z to D with everything path wise being the same
I may be wrong, but would it not be as simple as dragging your MSFS folder into the new drive? Or copy/paste the folder over?
I wasn’t sure if there was something that needed adjustment in the appdata folder
That I’m not too savvy with. I’ll do some digging and find out for you.
Which way did you purchase the game? Steam or Microsoft Store?
The store. I could just copy it over there rename the old folder and see what happens. I have high-speed Internet which is pretty fast but I do have a limit for the month in 1.5 tb. So I could just download it again
That’s not enough, follow the support answer and tips
!!! Notice the UserCfg file editing part !!!
Told you I’m no expert, thanks for getting him the correct info!
No issue, it’s great to help anyone. I’ve just answered as quick as possible to avoid issue. Absolutely no bad intention in mind from myself in any case.
Thanks, I am only changing the package installation folder so it looks simple to do.
When the flightsimulator.exe was being copied I kept getting access denied. The first install was on a removable hard drive, not C. So copying ever thing else did not help after changing the config file to point to the new path. When I launched the sim, it just ran so it did not care that I changed the install path from drive Z to D. I had to move the EXE file as well since Z drive is going away. I just uninstalled and reinstalling, It doe not take very long and I can just copy the comm folder when done. No big deal.
The “Move” command in the Windows 10/11 MS Flight Simulator APP
in Settings, Apps is an easy way to move FS2020 to any drive that you want.
Well it downloaded pretty quickly so I guess it doesn’t matter. I guess it’s important that if a second computer needs to access the sim main computer they should install on a physical drive instead of removable which I forgot
I am also attempting to move MSFS to another drive. The drive it is currently on is too full. The Microsoft website says to go to Settings ->Apps. Find Microsoft Flight Simulator and select “Move” and select the appropriate drive. I did that, and after it appeared it was going to move in its entirety, the process was abandoned with a message that the program failed to move with an error code of 0x80073cf6
One solution is to move the “Packages” folder (this contains the Official-One Store and the Community Folders) which is by far the largest folder in the sim.
Simply cut and paste the Packages folder to your desired location.
Then navigate to your UserCfg.opt file (we can help you find that if you aren’t sure where it is) and at the bottom of that enter the new location.
This is how mine looks.
InstalledPackagesPath “F:\Packages”
By clicking the link below, you’ll learn how to seamlessly move MSFS files to another drive or partition.
Well, darn. I wish I would have seen this response earlier. I already uninstalled MSFS. I’m going to clean up my computer, then reinstall on the desired drive. I’m pretty sure this will work. If not, I’ll use that information. In either case, I’m sure that information will help someone else!
See edit below.
Info from @TheSevenflyer is correct.
But, you mention “Clean” install.
What he stated is correct. It will work perfectly.
But his method only allows you to move the “Installed Packages”
and to correct the UserCfg.opt file.
When you start FS2020 again, it will run perfectly.
A cleaner way is to do what @TheSevenflyer stated.
Edit on 9/18/2024:
Edit on 9/18/2024 Correction - I confused myself.
- Then delete the last line of your UserCfg.opt file and save it.
Run FS2020.
or - Then use Xbox app to Uninstall FS2020.
Install via MS Store or the Xbox app.
end Edit.
FS2020 will act lke this is a new install.
The “Launcher” will now install itself and it will display the Installation Manager install screen with the default “Installed Packages” Path.
Change it to your new drive/folder.
Click install.
This gets FS2020 itself and its Launcher installed as “Clean”.
But the reused “Installed Packages” are not “Clean”.
It’s too bad that you didn’t save your “Installed Packages” folder.
But even if you had and moved it, that wouldn’t be “Clean” either.
Anyway, I’m doing a clean install now and appears to run in around 2 to 3 hours.
Download speed running at around 350Mbps.
Big improvement.