Movie Scenes

Hello girls and guys !
Dunno if it’s the good place but… let’s go !!!
(please modos, be tolerant ^^)
I scrolled… again and again, through forums…
I tried to find the feed to find

“great movie scene locations to fly to”.

–== WHERE is it ?? ==–

it’s not far from 9:PM in France : good night !

Moved to Comunity:World Discovery for better visibility.

Are you asking us to post places to fly to that are featured in movies? Places movies were filmed? Your post is a little vague. It might help if you elaborate what you want and start off with a place. You’ve got to prime the pump to get the thing working.

Great ! Gonna have a look ! Thanks !

I’m looking fot usggestions of great places to fly to and often, in movies, we can be stunned by gr8 locations ! Id est !! ^^

So many examples come to mind, but I will recommend a short flight including Mt.Rushmore (Hitchcock’s North by Northwest) and Devil’s Tower (Close Encounters of the Third Kind). They are very close to each other, and will be in the World’s Map POI search box…