MS/Asobo....PLEASE STOP the mandatory updates!

I agree that is the natural solution without gg down the path i proposed. But developer need to start showing users progress in that direction with each update… the current track records in updates is not giving that assurance nor confident.

Asobo please keep the updates coming. BUT do NOT force unnecessary, potentially unwanted content for example liveries or tutorials.

In the situation of having a production release version, co-existing with a beta version, the developers would be aware of the potential conflicts. This is because they are doing it in a limited configuration, where they have control of all packaged code.

To extend code variations in an uncertain manner (not knowing which code drops users are choosing to load or delay loading) would introduce a higher level of chaos into the system. The goal, even with beta testing, is to stabilize the code and to eliminate the introduction of random chaos.

Having to do this with software is difficult, as you would expect, considering they have no control on everybody’s choice of hardware (and it’s permutations) running the software. So, having everybody on the same locked down code at least brings everybody closer to stability, while otherwise external issues can be investigated.

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