MSCENERY CH-47 Chinook

Hi everyone,

I expect I already know the answer, but I can’t find any reviews or video footage.

It’s MSCENERY, so let’s be honest I’m not getting my hopes up. But I’ve wanted a Chinook for so long. I KNOW It’s not going to be anything as good as HPGs work etc, but has ANYONE tried it?

For €17 I don’t expect much, but I do at least expect it to work, which in my experience isn’t often the case for MSCENERY, Captain Sim, and BROKED3D. And I refuse to give these people my money for that exact reason.

Does anyone have any video footage or first hand reviews? Has anyone here chanced it?

Thanks in advance.

Stay away and wait…it’s just scenery.


September to November… yeah, I can wait that out. I’d rather pay more for quality. Their Osprey is fantastic and they keep improving it.

Haha, I don’t think anyone here would be that stupid.

I too have been waiting for a Chinook since day one. My favourite heli, but I’m not so desperate that I would entertain for a second giving the mscenery version a go. I wouldn’t bother if it were free!

So good to hear Miltech are releasing one this year. Made me a very happy chap :slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to the DCS Chinook, but I like that the upcoming msfs one has steam gauges.

I wouldn’t even take mscenery products for free


As a CH47F pilot I decided to bite the bullet and purchased the MScenery CH47 and IMMEDIATELY regretted the waste of money. The cockpit is what I’d expect from someone google searching images of a 47A model. None of the controls interact appropriately. And the flight model is merely a copy paste of the vanilla Bell physics with different imagery.

I really wish someone with videography skills and some knowledge would make a video regarding its severe shortcomings.

I have heard from other Chinook pilots that have flown the Miltech model that it is worth the money. Can’t wait for it to be released.


I can agree! MSCENERY and BROKED3D (not much Captain Sim) have been releasing “Lower Grade Aircraft Models” What is UP with that!? It’s kind of a nuisance to scroll and see these Flight Simulator 2002 or 2004 GRADE LEVEL Airplane Models. I know I’m late to for the conversation but JEEEZZ! They’re still going.

Maybe I missed something, but it seems like it’s been awhile since bredok3d released anything. Most of the releases have been mscenery and night scenery enhanced shovelware

Miltech Chinook is amazing. If you still want it, this is superb aircraft…