MSFS 1.9.3 + FBW 0.3.1 a combo that i really can enjoy


What is FBW?

FBW= Flybywire A32Nx mod 0.3.1.

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I love that mod, too. Without this mod i would not enjoy the A320

How do you manage to land the plane? I have this problem that the Airbus banks to the right moments before touchdown. Do you have any ideas to avoid this bug?

I do not have this issue but you could try set your control sensitivity up to more than 0%… this is said to solve Autopilot bug

My friend i have this randomly in all planes :(((

The last flights i did with TBM and A320 were successfull…

I dont know if it played any role buit what i did was:

  1. Adjust sensitivity and added some deadzone to controls
  2. In FSUIPC7 there ia option to “eliminate spikes” to controls. OPTIONS->MISC.