The airports in MSFS 2020 are a mess, and I had hoped these things would have been fixed in SU8.
The static aircraft parked at airports have big white rectangles where the registration numbers should be. The pushback motors/tugs wander around inside your engines, props, and aircraft like a ghost looking for your front wheel before they finally find it. And there are float planes scattered around the parking areas with their floats half buried in cement.
Why hasn’t Microsoft/Asobo fixed this, as in totality they look terrible, and airports are where flights start. They are the first thing you see. This is the opposite of putting your best foot forward. The airport environment is certainly not helping the MSFS 2020 rating of 2.5 stars in the Microsoft Store.
Has Jorg Neumann or anyone at Asobo mentioned airports in any of their public discussions with the MSFS 2020 community? Asobo does beautiful work and can fix these things “IF” they are given time to do it.
Agree on your findings, but for me they are just cosmetic. What me really worries is that the airports as part of the premium / deluxe packages have a bad performance compared to airports created by third-party developers. Best example: Frankfurt (MSFS premium deluxe) vs. Munich (sim-wings).
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While many simmers here share your views, many will also say that before resolving the cosmetic issues with the sim, other problems such as ATC, Live Weather, and overall performance are more important. It is possible that MSAsobo is putting more emphasis on the issues I mentioned here instead of what you stated.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but the simple truth is that they can only work on so much at one time. As much as we would love for MSAsobo to have hundreds of programmers sitting at their desks 24x7 putting out perfect code, it just isn’t going to happen.
Also buildings pop up when get close.Rooftops hovering in the air etc etc… (sigh)
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I have no issues with the airports I fly into. Too many to mention. About the only thing I have noticed in just a few airport is the terrain suddenly dropping when taxiing. But that has already been talked about and MS/Asobo is aware of it.
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Yes, the sudden terrain changes would be a higher priority.
Nobody mentioned signs and lights on runways, zombie airplanes, vanishing airplanes or reckless driving busses and service trucks!
I agree. I will not often fly to or from stock MSFS airports. Most are terrible. I mean, at least do some good NY airports. Boston too! Junk.
That is on the fix list for MS/Asobo and they are working on it. Keeping vehicles off taxiways and runways.
Depends on the third party I guess. Some of them know what they’re doing and some just pump out junk that really tanks FPS.
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But Microsoft/Asobo need to take the programmers scheduled to work on the next new thing, and instead have them fix what they’ve already built, including the airport problems and the other things mentioned in this thread that aren’t working.
World Update XYZ? No, fix what you’ve already built.
There aren’t static aircraft with big white rectangles where the registration numbers should be?
The pushback motors/tugs don’t wander through your aircraft like a ghost trying to find the front wheel?
There aren’t float planes parked with their floats half buried in the concrete?
For what they charge and the developer talent needed, I’m not sure how they make a profit.
I feel like this would be worth a $30 USD /month subscription for all we get.
I about had a heart attack in VR, lol. A truck flew out between two hangers and hit me as I came to a stop in my parking space. It must have been doing 40/50 MPH.
I like the forklifts going around everywhere at about 50 kts…
I give you credit for some of the other ones. I normally don’t do airliners or use tugs. I just fly, I’m not into the starting cold at the jetway and going through a full startup being pushed back and all that stuff. I know many people are and why the sim is great for everyone.
I usually start at the runway, I know they need to fix not allowing people to spawn on runways and should be at the hold area for the runway. I takeoff, fly my plan and land. And park anywhere I fit.
But as far as tail number. You NEVER see anyone’s tail number in Microsoft Flight Simulator. You only see your own. Static planes normally do have tail numbers. At least they do at improved airports and I do have a lot of those. But I imagine that improved/crafted airports from MS/Asobo will have that generic ASXG tail number on static planes.
But other player do not have tail number and AI also may not. So the plane you see without a tail number could be another player, or maybe an AI plane. I normally don’t fly with AI planes on.
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The tail numbers do show for the real traffic and multi-player on LittleNavMap.
Perhaps it’s too costly to render them in the sim? But I’d have to think it’s less cost than running LittleNavMap.
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I’ve never seen a forklift at my local airpark in real life but they go crazy in MSFS. Buses too. It’s like a bus station.
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You’re not going to get the people that are doing scenery to go chase down bugs and fix code.
Then it’s hopeless if Asobo has no one to do this work.
But if they do have folks to do this work, they should not be working on new projects until they have fixed what they have already built.
If that’s the case, then Asobo should not have big white rectangles on static parked aircraft where the registration numbers should be. The liveries should just be clean like many 3rd Party devs do at custom airports. Anything but the big white rectangles shouting “Registration number goes here.”
I think it is something that is broken in the code that has not been fixed. Asobo would have never placed the big white rectangles on liveries purposely.