MSFS 2020 and stutters

and AI traffic, and animals grazing, and bumper to bumper traffic, and boats everywhere… etc.

All of which you can do something about. It is amazing the amount of load that can be released by dropping the sliders down on all the little things.

FYI, if immersion is a goal, why have a bunch of fictional airplanes and lunatic users doing barrel rolls over the airport in their A320? AI traffic is unnecessary and has no relation to reality. It is a filler. Multiplayer traffic is simply a distraction. Four aircraft all parked on the runway and you are on final. That’s real. If you want to release load on your CPU to try to get the smoothest, most immersive experience you can, then SHUT OFF multiplayer and AI traffic. Use Live Traffic and Group Only. That way the only a/c in the sky with you are the actual real world aircraft that are occupying the same airspace and the friends you want to fly with.

Remember… Take a load off, fly a while.

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Well, traffic, static planes, airport vehicles, personal, all completely shut off.
It still stutters, not as bad as when I initiated this thread, but still…
How does DCS manage to completely eliminate the stutters at 60 FPS?
See also my video above.

Mainboard: ASUS Maximus X Hero Intel Z 370
CPU: Intel Core i7-8086K @ 4.0 GHz
Memory: 32GB Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4-3000
Graphics Card: ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10GB
Monitor ASUS PA 329 32" @ 4K
1 SSD Samsung 860 PRO 256 GB
1 SSD Samsung 860 PRO 4 TB
Windows 10 - 64 V. 2004
CH Pro combatstick, throttle and pedals

It has to be something weird with 30 series cards and the sims code, I’ve been trying to get my machine to stutter and getting just low smooth frames.

64gb 3600
lots of 1080 monitors
all solid state drives

Everything turned up past ultra except light bloom, excuse my phone not focusing

I don’t think It has to be something weird with 30 series cards,
much more with the sims code itself, no matter the card or hardware…

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Will to be clear I meant the one interacting with the other. Something in the sim isn’t playing well with the thirty series. If I can find one at a reasonable price I do happily investigate further.

To be fair it wasn’t playing particularly well with my 1080ti

The 3090 allows me to fly VR in this and IL-2 (buttery smooth high frame rate in IL-2, passable in MSFS2020 where previously the 1080ti struggled to deliver with both)

The stutters don’t come from the GPU. I don’t think they actually come from the CPU either. It seems pretty likely that they in fact come from assets loading/streamed assets/network validation.

Well, there you have it again, Thanks!
The stutters don’t come from the GPU, OR the CPU.
They come from Asobo / MSFS.
Otherwise why in this earth would a half a dozen photorealistic games
AND more importantly DCS run buttery smooth at 4K 60 FPS maxed out?


EDGE dynamics from 2008 for DCS is it?

Issues are never actually caused by the GPU/CPU themselves. We use those terms if we talk about the bottleneck of the system. Being limited by the CPU causes other kinds of issues than being GPU limited. Knowing that helps with troubleshooting.

Stutters rarely happen when GPU limited because GPU’s handle less and simple but very large calculations. CPU’s on the other hand do a lot of small more complicated calculations, that’s why it’s not preferred to be CPU limited while gaming.

Hello - I’m not sure if I can help much, but I believe your stutters are caused by your Terrain and Object LODs set to 200. Those two settings are both tied to CPU utilization mostly, so you might consider turning those to 100 and see if it helps. For me, I actually have to run mine at Terrain 90 and Object 75 to fully eliminate stutters.

Good luck, here’s hoping we get more optimizations soon.

Please check if background recording of the Xbox game bar is disabled.

Also check if your cpu is throttling because of heat problems. Use ThrottleStop to monitor.

I had both problems and solved both. The latter with a new mother board. Sim is running extremely smooth now.

Please define smooth…
Smooth is only if the FPS are locked, solid, ideally at 60 FPS,
syncing to the 60 Hertz of the monitor, or if not possible,
30 FPS (1/2 refresh rate of the monitor).
(I am talking here about no G-sync monitors).

Whatever. Solid 60 FPS at 4K all maxed out,
no stutters whatsoever.

And in 13 years I bet my PC will play this sim fine and your fantasy about things only being smooth when locked to the the refresh rate is ridiculous.

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Fantasy?? Ridiculous? Not in 13 years… NOW!

Have a look:

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Completely unrelated.
@AC52399, you missed the point. You are comparing a sim written for technology that existed 13 years ago. Obviously todays tech is going to relax and cruise while running it.
@Salem978 is simply pointing out that the technology we will have on our desks in 13 years will likely do the same with MSFS.

The comparison between DCS and MSFS is invalid. Old tech vs new tech. Multi server, streamed content vs stand alone software.

In general, we really need to stop comparing. older software ALWAYS runs smoother and puts less load on the system. I have been running the same 3d modelling software on my computer for 10 20 years. Lightning quick. Now I have the newest Autodesk 3D software. Runs through the cloud too. Way more versatile and capable but speedwise it’s BRUTAL by comparison. I am sure if I had the latest hi end workstation hardware it would be fine but even then I know it will be 10 years before anything is going to run it the way Autocad ran.

Let’s just put our energy into getting our systems optimized as best we can with the software we now have from Asobo, while they work on optimizing the software as best they can.

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Dear willisxdc,
I don’t agree at all.
The DCS I am comparing has almost nothing to do with the one released
13 years ago, graphic-wise. Indeed, the version I am comparing is newer as MSFS.

Moreover, I don’t know how a G-Sync Monitor behaves, but with a “normal” 60 Hertz PC Monitor, (I guess the ones that most of us have), the cause of the stutters, no matter which game or sim or motion graphics application, is caused by the rapid fluctuation of the FPS. Say jumping up and down from 50 to 70 FPS. As long as the FPS stay steadily at 60, the movement will be fluid. Now, not only DCS, but 6 other “games”: Watch Dogs Legion, RDR2, Assasin’s Creed Odissey and Valhalla, Borderlands 3, Mafia 1 Definitive behave in the exact same way, as described above, all maxed out and running at 4K. Only MSFS keeps on stuttering because of said fluctuation, although, as I have already stated, it is better, (well not as bad) as it was a few months ago. Obviously Asobo is at last doing something to correct this. And no, a 144 Hertz Monitor would not make this better, as MSFS struggles even to keep 30 FPS.

Mainboard: ASUS Maximus X Hero Intel Z 370
CPU: Intel Core i7-8086K @ 4.0 GHz
Memory: 32GB Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4-3000
Graphics Card: ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10GB
Monitor ASUS PA 329 32" @ 4K 60 HZ
1 SSD Samsung 860 PRO 256 GB
1 SSD Samsung 860 PRO 4 TB
Windows 10 - 64 V. 2004
CH Pro combatstick, throttle and pedals

While I will agree with your evaluation of what makes a stutter free experience, I will maintain that comparisons are of no value, no matter the title. The only way to evaluate that is to look at the minimum requirements. Updates and version advances do not change the underlying code. A program written in 2009 may be now at v12.0 but it is still optimized to run on hardware that is now obsolete.

I have not been able to locate another title that utilizes as many external provisions as MSFS. Although there are plenty of multiplayer games that utilize servers they are to simply ‘serve’ the MP environment. In no other title are we relying on multiple sources to provide scenery, weather, live traffic and multiplayer functionality. The blending of all these sources is what makes this title different from the rest. It is also the reason we have the relatively poor performance when compared to other software.

To say that the user is required to moderate their expectations to achieve that ‘smooth’ experience is unpopular to say the least. It is however the truth. While there is still plenty of optimization that needs to be accomplished by the developers, our current crop of processors and GPUs are not entirely up to the task. Eventually those that can afford to keep pace with the technological advances coming down the pipe will be able to crank up the expectations again and achieve that buttery smooth performance we have become familiar with. Until that day, it is still achievable by reducing the load at our end and optimizing our own settings to accommodate the hardware we have.

Let’s agree on one thing here. To say that MSFS struggles to keep 30fps is inherently incorrect. To say that our systems are struggling to provide 30fps while running MSFS at high settings is far more accurate.

Yet again, sorry but I must disagree.

Especially about the “external provisions of MSFS”.

The problem of the stutters is present also if one completely disables any type of traffic, and goes offline. After doing this, I have manually cached in all three high, medium and low resolutions a quite large region, and flying only there, the stuttering was still present, exactly the same as without manual cache and / or rolling cache / online mode.

I believe that the minimum requirements for MSFS and DCS are similar, but the way the graphics engine and the caching system of MSFS “works” is in my opinion inherently wrong.

By the way, why do you think that this thread (my thread) has 305 likes? I believe I have accomplished my goal, attract the attention of Asobo.

Now let’s see if today’s huge update introduces improvements to this this most important matter, or only adds even more stuttering eye candy……

Let’s shed a little light on that.
There are 300 posts. That results in an average of just over 1 like per post. Your initial post has 23 likes in 6 months. If you go back and read the thread, you will find that there is a fair balance of those with stutters and those without. Likes are also fairly evenly distributed. Even I have 21 likes.

While I agree that you have nicely engaged the community I don’t see any moderator posts indicating this thread has been pushed up to the developers. I suspect it has to do with the consensus from those without stutters that they CAN be eliminated by judicious tuning of the users system and not solely a change in code.

I read a number of posts from users trying to help you eliminate those stutters and your response is to summarily dismiss their suggestions and insist that Asobo has to fix the code. If all the problems were in the code then no-one could achieve a smooth experience, which is clearly not the case.

And PLEASE can we stop trying to compare apples to oranges. DCS and MSFS are not comparable on any level other than the fact that they are both flight sims, and any comparison is a straw man argument. I have no issue with your assertion that we need code improvements and that MSFS is finicky about settings. I would however prefer to discuss how, we as users, can improve our MSFS experience, rather than continue to argue another sim is better. I don’t want MSFS to be like DCS.