MSFS 2020 Bandwidth too slow

Cant get online Functionality to work in MSFS 2020 since 2024 was released , a myriad of messages claiming bandwidth too low and server issues. Please tell me you stupidly didn’t use same servers for the debacle of MSFS 2024 and 2020


Same here. Unbelievable is all I can say. My guess is that they use 2020 servers for 2024 now.

Just got in but when you used 2024 I had to reboot my pc and start 2020 because 2020 was stuck on “checking for updates”.
After a long long wait I’m in (2020).


Same, broken the working version. Slow.

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Well Microsoft, you got my money for MSFS2020 and now you want my money for MSFS2024 ? And to force me, to buy it quickly, you “steel” my bandwidth??
Get it to work NOW !!



MSFS 2020 seems forgotten now. Remember Asobo said that 2020 will still get sim and world update after 2024 release. They also promised new ground imagery and elevation map for 2020, or anything “will be shared” between two sims, which aren’t there at all.


Last night and the night before I had this issue.

Microsoft - next time subcontract to Amazon and Elon for a smooth delivery and technology input


Same here. They put some more Servers to solve the Problem with Servers for MSFS2024. …The Servers from MsFs2020…

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“Bandwidth too slow” and the speed Tests show 254 Mbit. Yeah right! :rage:

no, they did not said that. what they said, the 2020 will get updates in jan 2025.

I noticed longer load times last night and again this morning in FS2020. Fortunately, flying over open ocean right now so not noticing any frame rate issues.

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Me too. “Bandwidth too low”. Offline mode is activated. Currently 940 Mbit. Germany.

So they messed up 2020 trying to fix 24?

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Same for me. It’s utterly ridiculous. MSFS2020 has been stable for me for half a year now and now with the non-working MSFS2024 they also brick 2020. They need to be ashamed. Stability needs to be the single one most important goal for as flight simulator and they put it last.


I will be happy if the update came on schedule, or if asobo still have time to care and maintain 2020. I’m afraid this 2024 chaos will take at least months until they release first sim update.

Just loaded a saved flight in MSFS2020 which was working perfectly before 2024 was released, now stuttering continuously. Looks like MicroAsobo are stealing some bandwidth to get them out of the myre :unamused:

Same for me in France, this is the consequence of FS24 release on the servers.
Results FS20 and FS24 are down now.

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and we are off again. 3rd night in a row. I bet they still take my payment though

I was always defending MSFS in this forum against all hostility, because I always thought it is a great product, despite all the bugs that have occurred in the past.

But today I have to tell you that it is totally inacceptable that users like me having spent more than 3000h in MSFS2020 and having spent thousands of bucks on equipment and add-ons since 4 years have to suffer as well from a disastrous release of MSFS2024.

Unbelievable that you moved server ressources from MSFS2020 to MSFS2024 and we are not even able to use MSFS2020 as a “fall back” !

Your competitors will celebrate this day forever as they gained a lot of new customers and I am one of them.


its simply not acceptable and they deserve all they get


A whole day of no online connectivity i’m not sure why 2020 users should be suffering because of bad planning for 2024
it is infuriating