I’m a newbie and still learning. I’m trying to create a flight plan in the world map in 2020 and have noticed if i select IFR , i can’t select the runway of my chioce for the ils approach ?
I have navigraph and can just about start to learn what to do.
In the TO section it won’t let me change APPROACH (AUTOMATIC ) .
I have Autism and find it hard to understand sometimes,so please be very understanding in answering please.
I do very much appreciate any answers and info given ,and the time taken.
Hi Mark,
this problem may be faced if you select landing airports not provided with the ILS system.
To help you It would be important if you provide us the data of your departure and arrival airports you enter into the world map. We can then try to reproduce the issue and see what’s wrong.
Hello Mark, there is an option somewhere in one of the settings pages that allows one to force ATC to accept the runway of your choice, rather than select a runway based on live weather. I’m not in the sim now so can’t tell you the exact name of this setting. You may want to look for it and see if works for you? And if I misunderstood the situation my apologies, but this is still one of my favorite settings as a Navigraph user. Cheers!
Same issue. Happened after I reinstalled the game. Also in the startup it says missing packages please update and try later and the only bypass to this I found is deleting a random package and let it download and do this process EVERY SINGLE TIME I boot the sim because if I dont it says MISSING PACKAGES. AND AFTER I DO THIS AND GET INTO THE SIM, I CANT SELECT AN ILS APPORACH FOR ANY AIRPORT. ALL THIS IS HAPPENING AFTER I REINSTALLED THE GAME. I TRIED REINSTALLING 3 TIMES AND IT DOSEN’T WORK.
Hi and welcome aboard! I read your post as more of an installation/configuration issue than realizing one’s flight plan of choice, but I may be mistaken there. You have a lot of ALL CAPS in your post which suggests frustration. May I suggest reaching out to zendesk to see if they can help out with the missing packages stuff? Just a thought. Cheers!
Thanks for hearing me out. The thing is even after getting through the missing package error and getting into the sim I face OP’s issue of not being able to select an approach or arrival when using IFR in the flight planner in any airport.
This happened after deleting and installing the game again. Was working fine before. Reinstalling the game again from scratch does not fix the issue. I will look into the zendesk part.
here is my screen shot, so i want to fly IFR to LFPG and can’t alter the approach to the runway of my choice ? it only says Approach automatic. ??? what has changed ? I usually select the runway and use ils approach no problems.
I have all arrivals & approach for LFPG. So my guess is that you have a conflict with one of your addons. I am not at all familiar with Navigraph but maybe try uninstall it and see if you have the information back on the world map.
Hi Mark, I have replicated your flight plan and have no problems on selecting Arrivals and Approaches.As suggested by DementedCorn327 I would uninstall Navigraph as a first trials and ,if this won’t be enough to solve the issue
, temporarely remove all the add-ons from your Community folder if you have some. Many times the add-ons create problems . Let’s know if it works…cheers.