CDN is an abbreviation for content delivery network. Maybe you find this in wikipedia for more explanations.
Afaik a CDN is used to optimize the content delivery via regional servers which are accessed from the clients of a region instead of requesting one central server.
The info about resource shifting I heard on a YT stream. So its not an official info. I would wish MS / Asobo would show more transparency about their problem solving measures.
Btw I actually can use MSFS 2020. I didn’t change anything. So the reason for the problems should be on the other side.
No problem logging in. But…
After the update, I have an issue with fuel in Career Mode.
I select a Freelance flight mission, and prior to starting, I add some fuel and pay credits for it. Upon starting the airplane, the fuel gauge is at ~14%. It happened twice in a row.
Same. But it started some minutes later than usual. As I said, we‘re stuck between two simulators. 2024 is broken and 2020 gets less attention from developers and community…
Thank you for this link.
I will try some of the included suggestions as the problem may be connected to my ISP (DTAG) and its peering agreements.
If this is true I can only hope that MS / Asobo (including their CDN provider ) on one side and my ISP on the other side will get an appropiate peering agreement.
I don’t know if MS / Asobo care about those problems at all.
IMHO that shows the weakness of the streaming concept behind FS2020 and FS2024.
DTAG is selling the MS Azure service as a partner. I still do not get how this is working if the service they are providing does have so many issues regarding peering.