MSFS 2020 -> MSFS 2024 Upgrade


I have the premium version of MSFS 2021 will I need to pay an upgrade price to upgrade to MSFS 2024?
Or would it be a free upgrade.

And if paid would there be any discounts to be offered?



Nobody knows currently.
Maybe not even MSobo.


MSFS2024 is not an upgrade. It’s a new Sim and we will all have to buy it, if we choose to do so.


In my opinion, no matter how new the simulator is, it should be offered to existing users at a cheaper price in terms of upgrading.


Thanks @CooganBear , the rest of you guys? You really should be reading the FAQ. MSFS 2024 will be a brand new simulator with its own purchase price, beyond that is just conjecture.

There will be no upgrade from the old simulator but the majority of content is expected to work in the new simulator and that should include additional content from the Premium edition, although we await further details on this.


The other flight simulators, at least the competitors to MSFS, have allways done the same.
New version full price and no discount.
I bought x-plane 12 and have earlier bought 9, 10 and 11, all at full price.
It is a business.
Greetings Kurt


It was just the same with the MS flightsims (95, 98, 2000, 2002, 2004 and FSX). You paid the full price for each of them .


It is not an upgrade, but pricing for previous owners remains to be seen.

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Or we could not buy the new version. Right now I’m very unconvinced by the upgrades.


I understand there is no upgrade. However, my point is that an arrangement can be made for people who have this game.


So when gta6 comes out they should offer me a discount for owning 5? It is a new project, nobody take away 2020 from us, I don’t see why they should lose money, it’s a business after all and longer it’s making profit longer we will have it around.
With my play time in 2020 right now it cost me $0.2 per hour, see no problem to support developers for a full price.


This is the quote from the MSFS 2024 FAQ. I can’t see there being a deal / discount for the purchase price - it’s a new sim and you will have to pay for it - I can’t see that changing.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is a standalone simulator and the next-generation sequel to Microsoft Flight Simulator that launched in 2020. Current aircraft and airports that are in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), as well as virtually all Marketplace add-ons, will be supported in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

More than likely Microsoft will make the Premium content available to you through the MSFS Marketplace for you to download in MSFS 2024 for free. I don’t know about Steam users, do you use an Xbox account for the Marketplace? Otherwise you may have to purchase MSFS 2024 using the same store as before.

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The quote says exactly nothing about the price an existing msfs customer has pay pay for 2024 edition.
Or do you see any price?

Deleted my last post with questions that are answered in the FAQ:

I bought it from premium deluxe and microsoft store. Linked to my Xbox account

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I just don’t get this. People want all these advancements in the simulator. They want all these fixes. So now Microsoft decides to invest in the franchise by doing a new simulator. Jorg has said numerous time “This is the biggest undertaking in flight simulator history”.

Yet after free world updates, plenty of free planes, extremely low priced third party developed planes, etc people want to keep trying to pressure Microsoft into giving away this for free, or with a discount. It is a brand new simulator. Things finally settle down in one thread, and then someone starts a new thread with the same thing.

I have seen some people wanting this are retired pilots who are on fixed incomes, and it is very important that Microsoft consider their situations. I’m not expecting FS2024 until July-August or later in 2024. We still have almost a year. Save your Microsoft Rewards. If you don’t know what Microsoft Rewards are, look it up on the internet. I spent roughly $50-$200 a week on addons for Flight Simulator. I can easily pay for FS2024, and would gladly do so. But since the announcement and the outcry that FS2024 had to be free, I’ve been saving my Microsoft Rewards to illustrate that purchase of the new simulator can be done with rewards. Since the announcement, I now have over $40 worth of rewards. Whatever your financial situation is, if MSFS is the only thing you do, then FS2024 can be purchased without a burden. If you play multiple things, then really what your priorities are should dictate whether you get FS2024 or not. If you decide you can’t, then MSFS 2020 will still work.

The other option is it will be a Day 1 release on Game Pass. This would be a realistic option for those that want multiple games in 2024. Two or three purchased games that are on Game Pass would amount to the same as a subscription.


I understand your desire for a favorable discount for users who already own Microsoft MSFS2020. However, it must be balanced with financial considerations, development costs, and long-term sustainability. Sure, it may sound reasonable at first, but there are too many counterarguments to consider.


Upon release, 2020 was and still is the best flight sim ever imo. In looking at my hours flown, the bang for buck factor has been fantastic. Its literally pennies per hour.

I have no sense of entitlement regarding 2024. They’ll price it sensibly and I’ll buy it…and so will you.


It’s an interesting analogy, because GTA5 did exactly what a lot of folks assumed Flight Simulator would do: provide 10 years of free updates, upgrades, and expanded content on the same, buy in once, title. GTA5 was released in 2013, and they’re still pumping out free content for it. No word yet on GTA6.

I’m definitely not saying that’s how it needs to be, it’s just really interesting to compare.

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I’m personally fine with paying “full” price for MSFS 2024. But there absolutely needs to be an upgrade option.

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