MSFS 2020 too bright

Hi Guys,

for my Opinion is the MSFS 2020 to bright:
Do you think also so?

MSFS 2020 overcast brigtness

real World overcast brightness

regards Legendsy

Looks good to me – you can always turn down Brightness on your Monitor ?

Your Monitor may ave Presets - ie Theater - Normal - Gaming etc
Maybe there is a Preset that you find more acceptable ?

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Yes i have checked my settings on my monitor for the brightness. but all is ok. And when i set a lower brightness the issue don’t go.

most games have a ‘gamma’ adjustment in their graphics GUI’s now.
It would be nice to have it in MSFS - besides - DCS has it

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The bigger issue I find is the difference in interior/exterior values. On bright sunny days the panel is too dark when looking out a window at bright sky. My eyes in a real plane have greater dynamic range. I don’t have to ‘look down’ to brighten the panel in a real plane.


100% AGREE

Its an effect you will see on a camera with Auto-Exposure, but the Human Eye / Brain does a much better job. In MSFS I always have to turn all the light ON when in bright sunlight to see anything — how ridiculous is that

The Effect need a slider, One End “Real World” – the other end “GAME EFFECT”


I find stock MSFS to be oversaturated, you can try changing “ColorGrading” from 1 to 0 in the UserCfg. This gets rid of the oversaturation and looks way more natural to me. Also if you have “Bloom” on in the MSFS general settings you will get bright white spots like in your pic.

Well. As others already mentioned you can tweak your Monitor or play around in the User.Cfg
Also if you have an Nvidia Card. Just hit ALT+F3 and have fun with that. Easy

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Why you think pilots wear sunglasses :wink: :sunglasses: A sunglasses option would be good like they have in Xplane11.


Yes 100% its way too bright

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I find it under saturated
personal preference. Luckily there is Nvidia panel where I can get exactly the saturation I want
but the posters above complaining that the planes are too dark inside are absolutely right.
We need an inside plane slider.

Yeah for my opinion too are the planes inside to dark. I must often put the light at day in the plane on. So that i can see more and at some situation i must zoom in to the pfd or soemthing like the displays in the cokpit, so that i can read the altitutde or the speed etc. And yes we need for the Brightness defemently a improvment.

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don’t you have HDR turned on in your PC and HDR turned off in your game? It makes overexposed images

Hi GUys,

I think the MSFS 2020 is too bright because of at a sunny day like in my last flight in the msfs 2020 its really difficult to regonize the papi lights of the runway.

And also is the Cocpit to dark and so its dificult often to read the Datas from the ND,PFD etc.

hopefully they fix this issue in the next Update

regards Legendsy

Hi Legendsy7041,
If you are using an NVIDIA card, do a search on this site for Nvidia 2D. There are some settings there to change the look of the sim. Mine looks a lot better.

No i use a 6000er AMD Graphic Card. But thanks for your Answere :slight_smile:

In your control panel, find where it lets you set rgb color, change that to CC*422 color and save then choose 10 bit for color depth and save. Also if your using HDR make sure HDR is on, you can also right click on empty desktop, choose display, choose hdr settings, scroll down and at the very bottom of the page you can set the hdr brightness there

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I just turn all the lights on in the plane, especially the Cabin Lights, and that is typically enough to make the panel light enough to read in bright daylight !!!

Not 100% simulated realistically, but a work around, until maybe, one day. Asobo addresses this exaggerated effect