On Malé-Velana International Airport (VRMM), default (autogen) airport.
The RW 18/36 is in FS2024, the taxiway C in real life.
And the real Runway is marked as closed (see pic. below).
Also, the ILS direct the plane to the “closed runway”. So the ILS is rightly implemented but the scenery is not.
[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? No Add-ons.
My track on Navigraph (I diverted to land on the runway in my sim):
View, from MSFS24, by day, looking to the South
View, from MSFS24, by night, same view to the South
Satellite view of Bing Maps, showing the setup in real life
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