I think a better title would be that “fauna are located in inappropriate places”. The title of this post insinuates that random placement is the issue, which it is not. The issue is you think there needs to be more restrictions on said random placement. You may get more traction if you update the title to reflect the issue better.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
Don’t want to open another bug report, but found Buffalo in Southern California… INSIDE the perimeter fence of an airport (Gillespie Field, KSEE) and in the runway.
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
White rhino from Africa (Ceratotherium simum) found in India instead of Great Indian Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis), the right animal exists in Planetzoogame so it could be corrected.
Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) found in Southern France instead of European brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos), it can also be corrected with Planetzoogame files.
Moose (Alces alces) instead of elk (elk as an American English name, Latin is Cervus canadensis) in Southwest USA (but please keep Alces alces present in the north). The British English name for American moose is elk, that the probable cause of the error.
Many encounters of dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in African savannah, I suspect a confusion with the Latin name of ostrich: Struthio camelus. Maybe some dromedary spawn where ostrich would be expected. However, African ostrich are in MSFS so I am not sure.
Description of the issue:
UT25, Monument Valley or elsewhere in Arizona:
Not really a bug but rather a translation issue between elk and moose.
The elks appearing in Arizona should be “Cervus canadensis” and not “Alces alces” (moose) which can’t be found in dry environment.
Anytime elk appear at Monument Valley.
Spawn at UT25
Fly slow and low until you find animals
You will find moose (Alces alces) instead of elk ( Cervus canadensis)
I reply to my own post…
I am doing a lot of “fauna test flights” these days with some great encounters. However, I also encounter species that should not be present in some areas. I don’t know if I should open a post like this one for each error or if I should list them here. How to proceed?
This is problem in Yellowstone, also. While in reality there are moose in Yellowstone and the Tetons, they are rarely seen in herds. In the sim there a herds of them and I think it’s because moose are referred to as elk in Europe.