MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

Streaming in MSFS has always been about scenery. No idea why anyone would think it applies to aircraft.


All kinds of wild theories in this thread, including “streaming the code” :joy:


But as for the explanation, Seb further stated that by pulling a lot off the main thread, that it gave way to massive performance gains. His words. And if they truly are using all the cores, then I can see that it would have substantial impact. We have to see how it works out, but I don’t think it was hyperbole. Take for instance DCS World’s new multithreaded client. Users who had minimum spec PCs saw huge performance gains.


This is beyond true. And the Main Thread has always been a problem with MSFS that has limited the whole sim’s room for growth.

And you pretty much have to break the whole sim open to rebuild for new, better Main Thread and multi core optimization.

And by then, you may as well build an entirely new sim upon it. It potentially opens a whole new world of opportunity within the physical and graphical game engine.

Asobo when they made MSFS 2020 was a AA company striving to do AAA things, but some of the sim was always a bit rough, like that Main Thread, which a AAA company could have easily solved by throwing a ton of money at it.

Most of the “stream the planes” would be streaming the planes for Live Traffic and Multiplayer scenarios. If you don’t own the plane, you could at least see a lower LOD model of it. You don’t have to stream the whole plane, just enough geometry to see it and it’s position at any moment.

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Well sure, that would make sense, I thi k the person I was replying meant that planes that the user would actually fly themselves would be streamed.

Never going to happen. Way too complex. Those files would need to always be easily accessible directly from the computer. What happens if a file is glitched during the download/stream that wasn’t before the day before or a few hours ago. You’d be out of an aircraft. Better to just keep that stuff locally on the computer. Easier to save cockpit configurations that way too.


7:22 June 6 2023 Just update MSFS. There is an apache in the marketplace, why are they not adding the UH72 and UH60? I need them to train.

Be careful, who’s it by?.. If it’s Mscenery, then, well, you can read about the craft from that developer

Here’s a free UH-60M

And Hype Performance Group helicopters are on sale right now
 UH-72 Is an EC-145

But, hurry, I think it ends tomorrow? Or today?

One thing we still have yet to hear about is whether Cockpit Sharing will come back

Well given the connection and server issues that happens in MSFS, I am not that convinced that thin clients is a good idea.


Of course, I think it’s a ridiculous notion to stream planes to fly lol

Yea, don’t touch Mscenery. Blackbird are working on a ‘close to study level’ UH-60 in HH-60G and MH-60S models. Should be out before the end of the year.

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What about improvements to AI traffic? Any word on it?

Should be far more accurate. FSLTL uses flightradar & does a much better job then default MSFS traffic. The picture he uses in the slide is of flightradar so hopefully they’re implementing that but they will still need to make some core changes to improve things. He says they’re model making like crazy which is incredibly important as the more aircraft models they have, the more & more realistic air traffic will be. Default MSFS had a very small amount of aircraft traffic models. Hopefully they do the same for GA traffic too.

Also saw in an interview that they’re working on heli traffic & signing licences with helicopter manufactures. I believe Jorg said that in the very least, major cities (he spoke of New York City) will have heli traffic at release.


Any word on water, such as waterfalls, pervasive ground flooding in 2020, currents, etc.?

I noticed that as well. Makes me curious if they have abandoned Offline (completely AI) traffic.

Wonder how they are planning to implement Live traffic, the current (FSLTL) method where fights are injected then ‘taken over’ by the sim. Or, simply inject them then track and update based on FR24 position data (aka, PSXT/RealTraffic). Suppose it could be some innovative hybrid method.

Time will tell.

Hmm, cognitive services to listen in on ATC frequencies? That would be cutting edge. :grin:

But despite all the AI fears, I don’t think we are there yet.

Yes but that doesn’t answer the question of does making said improvments invalidate the use of the older system?

While existing content will be fine for 2024, anything new which is coming out post launch will be at the discretion of the developer if they use the new features and include these for free and maintain backward compatibilty, or build a new product exclusive to 2024 and charge full price.

At the moment, the general consensus is that the developers will honour the existing titles for development on the 2020 platform, but some I imagine will provide free upgrades. At some point however I’m sure we’ll start seeing exclusive titles for the new platform.

Do developers of XPlane content worry about old versions - answer is no.

The “old platform” will be left behind as is necessary for progress to be made.