MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

You read it wrong. The streaming is scenery on the fly ( Bing) The rest is download cached not in flight.

How to reduce client space, loading time, install time, world update etc…You need to cut. Download only thing is needed before the “flight” and it stay in cache later for default content.

3rd party remain all the time in community folder and the usual install for aircraft/ scenery not related.

The goal for this is to get faster process and save space, many never use default aircraft and fly 10% of the world, why 200GB sleeping, when you only need 75Gb as example. That way default content can still grow non stop but no need to install 600GB , 1TB etc…later years. Individual user download only what they use.

This is a fun thread! We’ll see how close we get to the real solution. When they said 4-5 times faster I started wondering how could they possibly do that. We have squeezed every frame we can get out of the sim, so what’s going to change? I figure the answer is WASM. When the sim came out it was just instruments what were possible for WASM, but what if they have found a way to do the entire plane as a WASM module? This would solve the problems they describe in the video.

This was my thinking as well. The only question is, how do they interact with ATC? They can keep all the fancy graphics, for me personally, AI traffic upgrades are the icing on the cake.

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If they use the PSXT method it will be difficult if not impossible to have ATC control them. It’s really the only downside to PSXT, but it is a huge downside and the reason I don’t use very much even though I have it installed.

As for AI upgrades, completely agree. Good AI and I’ll add ATC are a must have in 2024 from my perspective.

Currently my biggest concern is that, while they have not said as much, Asobo will more or less give up on AI/ATC in 2020. I would really like an official update on that particular situation, good or bad, but I don’t expect one :pensive:

The proof is really in the pudding! lets wait and see what Asobo actually delivers. If this is fully certified CAA/FAA approved on a professional level, then we can consider this a very positive move forward and worthy of few of my Great British pounds.

Jorg did acknowledge they didn’t mention ATC during a subsequent interview here (thanks to @expresstomato52) for originally posting the link!):

Although the way he said it looks promising!
Vasco: Talking about other future features, like, for example, improvements to the ATC. You didn’t mention anything about that.

Jorg: We did not.

Vasco: You did not (laughs). Is there anything planned?

Jorg: Maybe. Maybe so. We only talked about a fraction of what we are making. But, you know, to some degree this is going to be the fun we’ll have over the next year, talking about all the other things we haven’t talked about. We heard everybody and we’re paying a lot of attention to the people and what they want. There’s lots of positive news coming.”



I feel like a broken record :grinning: 4-5x → 10x was an indication of the performance benefits CPU threading will give to the simulation modelling, not overall fps performance.

I happen to think the ATC improvements will come when the regional text to speech Azure voice capability comes in, that makes more sense to me, having accents from different countries. I’m not sure that technology will be ready for 2024 though.

Nothing like keeping expectations low right! I say go with it, just have a backup hobby available when your Xbox is thrown out of the window… :smiley:

I’ve been doing software for over 30 years. “CPU threading” is not a thing, but I know what you mean. The sim is not going to suddenly start using ten times more CPU resources.

Not sure if you saw this interview, but Seb explain flight model new structure, it only use what it need without performance penalty like in fs2020 and move it away from the main thread, required deep change on the architecture to do this, video start at the direct timeline.
Interview with Microsoft and Asobo Studio #flightsimexpo2023 - YouTube

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Concerning ATC:

Jorg always broadens the question rather than give a direct answer on ATC. I honestly don’t know why. Either they are planning to improve ATC, or they are not sure what to do and are looking into it, or else they have filed it under “not planned”.

I wonder if he’s ever thought of going into politics.

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Yes, that’s what made me think WASM. The client wouldn’t have to compile the aircraft because web assembly modules are pre-compiled. That would require a lot less main thread. Jorg also said they wanted to get the SDK out for 2024, and that suggested to me that it wasn’t memory or CPU optimizations. The aircraft has to load on the client side, or you have the issue of communicating peripheral inputs back and forth to the cloud. But a web assembly module served up from the cloud would be small, fast and respond to inputs like normal. This approach would mean the Community folder would contain aircraft as pre-compiled WASMs as well. That will mean a new approach for the aircraft creators. No more backwards compatibility for old FSX xml modules. If I am right, and this is all speculation, 2020 was just a bridge from the old FSX world to the new WASM world.

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This has always bugged me. According to wikipedia (ok, not always the most reliable source), FS2020 should already have regional voices as apparently, they recorded them from volunteers. The direct source to that section is here

Unless they meant different languages.

We know eventually Working Title has plans to rework the ATC system. Supposedly that’s what these AAU updates are for. Not quite sure how aircraft avionics factor into reworking/building an ATC engine but that’s how the story goes I guess. ATC and weather go hand in hand with the responses we’ve all gotten. As I mentioned before about a different feature, if anything it’ll be changed in 2024 and a lesser version dropped into 2020 since the development will be finished and stuff can be used server side.

I don’t think anyone has been able to fly long enough using Azure ATC to find out if those regional voices do exist or not. :sweat_smile:


I have been watched open job at Asobo since 2 years, many hiring section was available and filled, from AI traffic, ATC, UI design, graphic artist, modeler, engine coder, flight model and so on. They are working on this but it take time. There is now even another spot hiring for ATC atm if still available.

There was a discussion awhile back about the hiring stuff. At the time they had open positions in almost every single area. The issue was that to fill those positions they needed people (on the Asobo side) to relocate to France (currently doesn’t seem like a good idea ATM). At the Expo in Houston they showed a photo of their entire development team (not sure if just Microsoft or both teams) and they said they had around 150-200 employees now? (don’t quote me on that but they pretty much doubled their team). So hopefully stuff is being improved. But the one thing that still has me somewhat in doubt is:

Each development area of MSFS has its own team. But if that’s the case then why is it that certain areas of development are making more progress or while others have sat dormant for months or well over a year. You would expect they would have an ATC team, AI team, weather team, scenery team, aircraft team, etc… But it seems that only 2 teams have been consistently pushing stuff out.

We know the Scenery Gateway World Hub tool is finally coming out this month (already delayed from May). But for the other areas, it’s interesting to think about why some areas are seeming to get clearly ignored even though the claim is that they all have dedicated teams.

Having doubled their team now that 2024 has been announced and under development that’s expected. But how much of the 2020 team are or have been pushed to the 2024 team?

Strictly my own opinion on the matter.

Yes, I remember WT commenting that they were intending to work on it once they finished the aircraft updates, but that was some time ago - I don’t know if their priorites have been changed (especially with the advent of FS2024). So if this is still the plan, why doesn’t he say so, instead of saying “Maybe” when specifically asked if it was planned?

Pretty sure they said the team is actually more like 500 total now? That’s a lot!

That was total people working on it, including Microsoft, Bing, and contracted third parties I believe.

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Quite correct, I remember that as well. The fact that it has been so long ago is the reason I would really like to see/hear where they are at with it. The other being that we now have the 2024 aspect to complicate the usual speculation game.

It’s not so much if the answer is positive or negative (yes/no, good/bad, etc.). I would just like to hear something regarding AI/ATC that was ‘official’ and a little more in depth than the standard response we always get from Asobo. Even if they come out and said, ‘we gave up on AI/ATC in FS2020 quite a while ago, no improvements until FS2024’, that would be fine with me. Would not be overjoyed with that news. However, at least I would know where we stand and what if any expectations we should (or should not) look for in FS2020 AI/ATC going forward.

Oh well, it’s been 3 years now. That’s all the longer I can hold my breath.

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