MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

Jorg said at launch, MSFS was around 100 peoples, and since 75 members have been added, this is a picture of yesterday team. But after he said there is over 500 peoples working on this. I don’t think it’s Asobo team the 500, more whatever who is involved on the project.

They just pushing cloud stuff.

Loading from SSD is always faster them downloading, writing on SSD, them loading stuff to game …and them repeating process after tweaking settings or something. It’s pure PR, similar to “reaching technical limits on MSFS 2020”.

MSFS ~2028 or next will be rent only software. For our good of course…


Fair enough! As long as they are doing “core” work on the sim more or less full time (and not just releasing an add-on) , I’d count them as part of the FS team, though not strictly the Asobo team of course.

To be honest, they can’t predict anything in advance at 100% , you never know how much time it take, unexpected thing happens or like need overhaul of stuff on the engine etc… The transparency of getting news and update, do more harm then help, you can see all toxic stuff because of this, and if they don’t talk, people will accuse them of not knowing what is going on, they can’t win, no one is ever happy. Maybe Microsoft should never give ESP for P3D and leave people with FSX, people forgot about this.

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There are so many things wrong with ATC that they could certainly make it better with little effort, even if they don’t solve everything.

I think they now have acknowledged there is a definite problem with the voices (a step forward from when they said they couldn’t even reproduce it), so this would be a good place to start.

Surely it wouldn’t take too much effort to remove the repeated identical requests to other traffic to change altitude.

After giving us one change of altitude, surely they can stop repeated immediate further changes of altitude, one after the other. Even say a one minute time delay after the first would be welcome.

It would be nice if they gave us a barometric reading when we are directed to descend through the transition altitude, and if they complain about a deviation from the correct altitude. (I don’t like trying to press “B” with my headset on.)

It would be good (although perhaps more difficult) if they didn’t request a dramatic increase in altitude just as we are preparing for landing.


But they have solved one problem - at least there is now a bit of a gap between ATC communications, which allows us to get our acknowledgement/request in, although they’ve achieved this by having ATC often rudely interupt themselves.

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That’s fine Swampy, CPU threading I admittedly used as a ‘loose term’ to describe the use of multi-threaded CPU architectures to gain improved performance. :slight_smile:

On the performance improvement though. The upscale of performance and how many threads was quite frankly irrelevant. What I was trying to say was the performance improvements mentioned by Seb was in the context of the simulation engine and not overall game performance, therefore 10x simulation performance might only equate to 1.5x performance gains in the game, which will probably be swallowed up by a heavier load rendering and streaming. We’ll see I guess! :slight_smile:

Better storms will be a very good start. This is severely lacking in the current version so I hope it is addressed.


I understand your point and it is fair to a certain extent. However I will disagree somewhat in regards to AI/ATC. I do not think ‘we are still working on it in 2020’ or ‘we have abandoned it in preference to making the changes in 2024’ is too much to ask.

Specifics are always welcomed and preferred by most. However, at this point given the odd inter-relation between 2020 and 2024 I would just apricate knowing if the current state of AI/ATC is as good as it is going to get or if we can expect some more improvements, even if they are slight.

For me at least it also has practical implications. I was literally ready to start putting together a new system when I read about 2024. The intent was to see if I could make 2020 run little better when using traffic, as bad as it currently is. This was based on my original speculation that at some point 2020 AI/ATC would see upgrades. If Asobo is going to wait until 2024 then there is no need to spend the money now. I am not going to spend money on a system for a sim (FS2020) that will for all practical purposes, be ‘second fiddle’ to the upcoming flagship.

Personally I don’t expect much thing happens on fs2020 anymore, they said there could be 1 or 2 sim update per year, let’s say 1, this is limited, most of the stuff you will see is more world update and avionic update. Don’t buy any new system for fs2020, wait next years and price will be lower.

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I poked around with this a bit before. I believe the thinking was that the flyable aircraft would need to have systems with various new nav procedures possible (holds, procedure turns, multiple transitions for SID/STARS etc) all working first as the same code is used by the AI traffic routing and any more realistic ATC features would need that. So if the stock A320 couldn’t do a hold then the AI couldn’t do one, and any revamped ATC couldn’t then do holds. So the work order suggested was to update the Nav procedures in the stock (WT AAUs) first, to then be followed by better AI and then better ATC. No idea if this is accurate or what 2024 would mean for that of course but that’s how I understood it at the time.

The third party stuff has pretty much made all this overtaken by events (FSLTL, BeyondATC etc etc), but then the Xboxen people don’t have much to help them. I’d be shocked to see much until 2024 in this area if at all.

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I agree, it would just be nice to get a confirmation. At least from my perspective. I have not started to build my new system, not even bought the components. If nothing AI/ATC wise is changing in 2020 my current system is good enough to get by until I see what 2024 has going.

The AI in FS2020 don’t rely as heavily on .cfg files (if at all) to fly. There’s a few primitive functions we can change such as flare, braking power and roll (among a few others) but outside that, the AI is controlled by rails. This is in direct contrast to FSX where AI did rely on .cfg files, which is why throwing a flyable aircraft in and expecting the AI to be able to control it would have varying results.

I believe the main reasons for WT tweaking AAs is due to ATC changes they ‘may be’ planning. As you say though, how this is affected by FS2024, who knows. My guess is to have a foundation to copy and paste into 2024.

I’m to the point where I’ll believe it when I see it. For awhile now what has been talked about on both sides of the fence (development/users) has failed to materialize. The changes that may or may not happen in MSFS are about the same as whether or not Aliens will come visit us tomorrow.


I would say it’s ok to remain skeptical until you witness things firsthand yourself. Although based on MS/Asobo’s solid credibility and transparency to users and the small fraction of the available information they presented at the Expo, it is highly likely that we will all be pleasantly surprised by MSFS2024. Also, based on recent developments suggesting that the notion of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth may not be as far-fetched as previously believed, I would plan for both an amazing MSFS 2024 release and an alien invasion next year. Who says we cant have both.


One of those two things almost certainly wont happen, the invasion fleet will get told to ‘Go around’ and end up in an endless holding pattern 1000ft over the Sea of Tranquility. :grin:


I tried to show my brother today the MSFS FSExpo keynote on his second PC, played on twitch and YouTube and the audio was low and muffled. My brothers PC played the videos absolutely fine, very odd! My own PC was also fine playing the video.


They are cool photographs. I’m sure they’ll be great once we see them rendered in the sim as well.

Very true, although i didn’t see Airline transport Pilot on there, unless im blind

We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg… so much beneath the surface of 2024 that is yet to be revealed.

Airliners will be many. All newer aircraft in Fs2024 are done from 3rd party companies, and existent one will be overhaul with the newest feature\system and improved, this include with newer staff added like, Andrey Solomykin, aerodynamic engineers from famous L-2 Sturmovik, highly claim as very realistic flight model, was hired around one year ago.