MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

I applaud the effort to model balloons. I feel as though, almost by accident, when one incorporates a full-bodied approach to encompass more of topic, there are windfall benefits to the core principles that would never have been discovered if only the core principles were given attention… bravo, and I am looking forward to the flight ‘physics’ going to be experienced in MSFS2024 !

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If the core issues that currently exist were prioritized and somewhat communicated the amount of posts on this forum would plummet. I suppose in a way this could be one way to keep the buzz buzzing. Complaining about stuff is still publicity. Also having these things fixed would also lead to more confidence and ingenuity in thinking outside the box about what could be created or accomplished since worrying about whether things would be stable or work wouldn’t be present. A whole new sim shouldn’t be the solution to this. That’s like one key on your keyboard not working and deciding you need to go buy a brand new computer.


That’s not how it works though. No one will fund a huge development team to just work on bugs. For a majority the sim work’s really well and they enjoy it frequently. Does that mean it’s perfect? Of course not, nor will 2024 be or any other software, especially something of the extreme complexity of MSFS.

MSFS 2024 will let them introduce some fundamental improvements, as well as keep the product relevant and marketable, it’s really a win win for everyone.

What we do get is a great sim, that just keeps improving. Just because a vocal minority shouts, doesn’t mean new development should cease. Microsoft/Asobo have achieved something really impressive and I can’t wait see what comes around the corner!


It’s not about JUST fixing bugs though. As a development team the goal is to move forward on one end and have another team mop up the back, aka fix bugs as you move along. Imagine having a road crew who only dumped the asphalt moving forward and that was the road everyone got without it being smoothed over or striped. How can anyone drive on that? Who would want to?

The last few months or most of this year has been full steam ahead with new content such as scenery and aircraft. The latest and greatest addition - fireworks for the USA. The newest core “fixes” has been outsourced to WT which they’ve done fantastic job with, but I wouldn’t give the AS development credit. The only other biggest change in recent memory was fixing the cloud injection issue after X hours. We still have the white dot. The lost connection is in progress for no idea how long - but at least it doesn’t hang up the sim anymore. AI a mess - no proper landings for 3/4 months now? Weather - won’t discuss here.

So as all this new content is constantly pumped out, the issue list ever grows. Each update maybe only 1/2 things get fixed while 5 get broken. So, using your original statement, maybe they do need a team that just fixes bugs. :face_exhaling:

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There are times, when one gets to point of diminishing returns and one has to let the reality sink in that current architecture is not fit for purpose.

Once that happens, one has to go back to the drawing board and that is what happened here. Some bugs may involve such massive effort that redoing from scratch may just be more efficient.

I have two+ decades of software experience and that is where I am coming from.


wow, now I can’t wait. i hope VR will be implemented at the premiere or soon after, will buy it then and only then : )

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Time to invest another PC for this incoming.

Career options in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
To developers of MSFS 2024. 4 ideas I wanted to share if possible to add to MSFS 2024. 1st idea is pushback toolbar similar to Vasco Ferreira pushback toolbar. Another idea for pushback. User controlled pushback. Users able to drive the pushback from driver side point of view. Pushback driver will have option to tell ramp NPC to get in position for pushback aircraft. Also pushback driver can steer the aircraft left or right based on live communications from the virtual live pilot as well as tell ramp npc to pull bypass pin for aircraft disconnection. Having that feature would be good practice for real airport ramp agents looking to practice their pushback skills. 2nd idea. Is Users having ATC career and improving AI ATC issues reported by MSFS 2020 USERS. AI atc needs a lot of work. For example, when virtual pilots land they should have airport information gate board to see what available gates are open occupied by aircraft. Including departure and arriving times of user pilot aircraft and npc planes at the airport. If user acting as ATC they should have features with airport map view as well as airport airspace view. Airport map view user can direct planes via headset or using a point to point system interaction for ground taxi from gate/GA parking to runway. Same goes with runway to available gate using airport gate information board. In airspace map view. When Virtual pilots reach airport airspace. Virtual ATC users will be able to direct virtual pilots to runway using headset or point to point waypoint system. 3rd Idea. Having airport information board showing gate and GA parking availability. This will help virtual pilots show what gates GA parking are available before arriving at the airport. Departure times and arriving times so virtual pilot can plan accordingly for the next available gate or wait at the taxi lane. 4th idea is include real world airline and air cargo liveries. Delta, Amazon, America, TWA, SWA, United, and more.

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For the “3 million” core players, the Sim is not working well and has lots of bugs that haven’t been fixed. The core simmer (3 millions) are the ones that spend a ton of money buying new gears, updating, buying 3rd party products and in a nutshell, they are the one that Asobo/MSFT has to keep happy! Otherwise, people will slowly but surely loose interest, as I did after FS2004 and with FSX. And mind you right now, with all the issues MSFS has, I am putting about 1,000 hours or more a year into it!


Some great ideas, you get my vote, though I think the multiplayer ATC could get a little crazy lol. I think (hope) AI traffic will be improved, to what degree, I don’t know. If we get separation of arriving aircraft, along with more intelligent taxiing behaviour, I’ll be fine with that. And for the love of all that’s holy, fix the ground traffic behaviour. Give them priorities, I shouldn’t need to hold short for a set of air stairs. I’m sure with the recent developments in AI, this can all be realised.

ATC just needs to work like it did in FSX, any improvements will be much welcomed. I am however, keeping an eye on BeyondATC which looks like it might be a winner as long as the price is right.

I totally agree. Ground service vehicles needs improvement. I work at Tampa Airport. Seen ground traffic at other airports. I have never seen ground traffic on the taxing ways. Especially, driving in front of an aircraft moving. The developers need to get real expert opinions from ramp and airport authorities.


Oh, and how could I forget - wipers that function and clear the rain off the windscreen. :pray:


I think there are some 3p sceneries where one would very rarely come across vehicles on taxiways. I have FlyTampa EKCH and seeing a vehicle on taxiway is rare. But yes, it does happen.

First off: I love MSFS 2020. For most people it works great (ie good to play even with its issues. Not game breaking, even though it has some bugs and some features that are not fully fleshed out: photogrammy (sic) at street level, ATC is “not perfect” but it’s good enough for teh causal user and for me, etc)
Lots of people are asking and hoping for a lot of new features, a lot of bug fixes, and a revolutionary new game that will be 100 fps on a low end PC.
I think we are aiming and hoping too high.
I think 2024 will be better than 2020, but it will be an evolutionary step and not a revolutionary step that some people are hoping for.
It will be better, but i don’t think it’s going to have most of features some people are hoping for or expecting, and if 2024 does have those features, they will not be fully fleshed out.
MS and Asobo need to save some cool, new features for MSFS 2028. :slight_smile:
I am not hating; just adjusting my expectations.


I hopefully expect a good implementation of dx12 and better multithreading (not at the moment in 2020). I like 2020 but it is not very well optimized even with a 4090. The VR performance has to be improved in its performance. It is necessary 75 full fps. I’m looking forward the animations like fires in forests and rescues in the mountain.


Oh thank God we’ll have animal migrations simulated🙄


. . . and I so look forward to seeing a balloon deflating.

I’ll certainly watch that, perhaps even twice.

So much more more important than fixing the ATC.


What HMD do you have that does 75hz? Or did you pre-order the Beyond?

Your prayers have been answered:

Maybe you now need a different and new wish for FS2024.

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Better than nothing I guess, but I think the Fenix wiper effects aren’t fully convincing as they don‘t actually wipe away the raindrops. The smears the wipers leave on the windshield don‘t really improve the visibility, esp. in heavy rain, and it could just look more realistic in general. I, personally, would prefer a proper implementation by Asobo.