MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

Yeah, it’s good but not a true solution. Taxiing at night during a rainstorm is actually quite tricky sometimes, especially on a default field.


Fenix themselves acknowledge it is a hack due to platform limitations.

Something like Driveclub would be extremely cool:

Yes I know, bigger fish to fry than wipers but to be fair this should have been in from the start.


Wipers look good.

Not so sure about the ground handling though :rofl:

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That’s proprietary to fenix only. AFAIK, fenix, black square king air and fbw a32nx are the only aircraft who implements this by using custom solutions. Its not a native SDK based solution. Thets why none of the default planes have it. MSFS 2024 needs to add this to default SDK path as it would help many simpler aircraft as well as default aircraft.

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I’m quite excited about the upcoming version. It seems to be a reasonable mix of technology improvements (eg enhanced multithreading) as well as new content that they can use for marketing to new folks. Hard to sell a new product with just enhancements of the core engine.
I’m convinced that in the end there is something in it for all of us.


From Q@A today Horizon line fixed and new atmospheric scattered engine.


Pretty good stuff but once again it all seems laser-focused on eye-candy improvements. I much prefer flying IFR instead of VFR and there need to be just as good improvements to things like the default ATC routing, vectoring, sequencing, etc that integrate well with live traffic.

The same awesome decision to bring Working Title onboard to massively improve avionics needs to happen with ATC features.


really hope they improve the weather API so that 3rd party devs can make semi-usable weather radar

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I’m not very tech savvy. I often wonder about this as it pertains to MSFS24. What is meant by “keep the client thin”? Surely the entire game isn’t going to be streamed through the cloud? That seems awfully problematic to anyone whose internet isn’t constantly amazing.

Does anyone have any insight as to what will be downloaded in files on PC vs streamed from the web?


I was about the ask the same:

Are we finally getting reasonable ATC?
Are we finally getting better weather (depiction of multi-weather-cells)?

Do we have any information on this? I fear that this is again not coming?

There is a Xbox Showcase scheduled for June so hopefully we get another update then. Maybe even a release date :crossed_fingers:t4:.

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You know what I really would like?

I not to take an hour to actually start flying in the sim!!! Everytime I load the sim it takes at least ten to fifteen minutes just to load, but then the sound doesn’t work, or the graphic driver “fails”, or something… So I have to reboot the entire computer and start the whole process again… SO frustrating…

Maybe I am ranting a bit, but after all that frustration, the flight just isn’t enjoyable… Worst thing, I love this sim, I think its freaking AMAZING when it works… theres the key point, when it works…

Why cant just have a sim that loads in a reasonable amount of time and works the first time???

Sorry for the rant. I am truly looking forward to 2024 and will be a first day purchase for me…


Agreed. Hope it’s much faster and that a quick change menu is added. Ie stay at current airport but change plane or livery. Or even better, that plus access to the world map from anywhere vs taking time to go to the main menu and start over.


The core issue they’re trying to solve with the in demand downloads is XBoxes with their non expandable hard drive running out of space when you install all the world updates (which will keep coming). This of course also affects PC, but there at least you have a choice to buy a 4TB SSD and forget about it.
And when you don’t have space on an Xbox you won’t be buying more games, and that’s directly undercutting MS’s revenue stream.
I’m assuming they’re still be an offline cache with the option to download certain areas before the flight.

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And changing flight number and airline

There’s expansion cards. I got one for my Xbox X.

Ten to fifteen minutes is a long time to load up the sim. Have you a lot of stuff in your Community Folder? Do you have the sim on SSDs?

Wowsers, on XBSX I had about 400GB and it took about 2:30 from click to the menu. I think on PC it maybe takes a minute more.

Some data about start times in various scenarios here…