MSFS 2024 feature/improvement summary (updated June 2024)

Updated the initial post, re-arranging all the confirmed features and improvements into categories that are easier to find, including all info so far from Flight Sim Expo 2024. Hopefully I got most of it and in an accurate way!

Also included a list of confirmed planes (all in the base sim) and who is making them.


This is really good. Hope you can find the time to keep it updated :+1:

I didnā€™t know that the new sim had a wear and tear system either. I am guessing though this is a visual thing rather than engine wear etc on default AC.

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I didnā€™t see the Robinson 66 in your summary.

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Ah, must have missed that one? Is it confirmed who is making it?

Itā€™s made by carenado.

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What is this TIN technology they are talking about?

Itā€™s just another name for a specific type of photogrammetry as far as I know. Itā€™s basically PG. 2020 already includes TIN cities. Stands for Triangulated Irregular Network IIRC


If I looked correctly and comparing your list to this list, your list is missing these planes and ā€œfloatersā€:

  • Airship Industries SkyShip 600 Blimp
  • Air Tractor AT-802, Asobo
  • FlyDoo Hot Air Balloon

do we know anything about whether the blackshark buildings will get updated? there hasnā€™t been a peep about thatā€¦

that would pretty much close the deal for me

Iā€™ve already brought this up, this has been sorely missing! But Iā€™m confident theyā€™re gonna roll out some big news regarding this. I mean they canā€™t upgrade almost every single aspect of the sim, especially visually, and then keep the old ā€œthis castle is now an office blockā€-style buildings!

Hoping for more and more varied buildings with better localization, just like the new biomes, trees, crops etc. Everything else just wouldnā€™t make sense.

I think thereā€™s a lot still to come in general. I mean all they did at FS Expo was analyze an existing trailer, so the info they gave was basically within the bounds of the trailer. And I donā€™t think the trailer featured any autogen buildings, at least not standard residential etc. city buildings.

no it did not
i surely hope so, they canā€™t do everything else and leave the buildings the same as before

I have a bigger concern than the autogen buildings, I really hope theyā€™ve improved the default textures for the scenery, those that appear when we are offline or as a replacement for the photo imagery when itā€™s of poor quality. They look really bad.

I know most of the planet looks better, because of the satellite imagery, but in places that, for whatever reason thereā€™s no satellite imagery available, we have to deal with those ugly textures.

But yeah, the autogen is also important for me.

I hope more rational distribution of the trees and forest. I know the AI is still not much rational.

NO mention of the C172, either Glass or Steam gauge, or of the C152

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well we do know they have a whole new set of bing aerials about to come onlineā€¦ so it would stand to reason that maybe they would leave the current aerials as the offline backup for the new ones, right soudns logical to me

or mayb a user controlable slider for vegetation count

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I mean by all indications itā€™s gonna be so heavily streaming-based that itā€™s doubtful whether thereā€™ll be an offline mode at all I think? Which I donā€™t mind as the current offline mode is worthless to me anyway, it looks terrible.


Photo imagery canā€™t be used as ā€œoffline sceneryā€ because it would make the client huge, and we know they want to offload the client. They need better texture to replace the bad imagery (clouds, shadows, poor quality etc).

There will be. Not just because people wonā€™t always be online (I am online 100% of the time, but Iā€™m not everyone), but because they need replacements for bad imagery. Whenever the AI spots bad imagery, it replaces with default textures. You can find those in MSFS 2020 already. My hope is they improve those because they look really cartoon-ish.

2024 will have a better rendition of the world, and seeing what they are implementing (all the augmentations like tesselation everywhere, 3d objects everywhere, 30 biomes, 30 kinds of crops etc), it would be an oversight not improving the default scenery textures.

But I believe they will, Iā€™m just pointing out this is important also.

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Photogrammetry is the process of using 2D photos taken from different angles to generate a 3D model of the world. Triangulated Irregular Network is a way of storing and representing irregular 3D shapes, such as a town of buildings, allowing them to be easily rendered. Itā€™s literally a load of triangles of any size and shape all with textures and joined together.

Photogrammetry and TIN are essentially opposite sides of the same coin. Asobo call it TIN because thatā€™s what they are handling, also IT loves a TLA and itā€™s easier to say and write.


oh you mean the little bit of england that shows up in the middle of a desert in africa