I have a few questions concerning some key bindings for my Msfs2024.
I have assigned a key on my Saitek X52 pro for the VFR map as i used to do for my Msfs2020 .When i press the button Nothing is Visible on my Screen.
I did the same for ATC . I can see the Drop down menu , but when i press the button it stays on the screen , and i have to use the mouse to Remove it .
On the External view i managed to Pan around as i did in my Msfs2020 , but when i release the POV it immediately goes back to ( View rear position ).
I tried everything but still Unable to solve my issue !
If you can be more specific it will be highly appreciated !
I noticed that by pressing the right button on my Mouse it Works perfect. ( The assignment is : Toggle External View Freelock Lock !
Whatever settings i apply , when i release my X52 Joystick POV , it immediately goes back to rear position !
I am sure there is a solution concerning my issue , but i at the moment i am unable to find it !
Thanks anyway for your help .
I am going to send a request to zendesk !
Just to let you know
I have found and solve my issue !
In General , Under Camera , External camera I Set my POV Reset to Manual !
I had it on Auto and i did not noticed !
It drove me crazy !!!