MSFS 2024 photogrammetry

I have not read or seen information about photogrammetry areas and cities. Does the simulator include more photogrammetry cities and areas compared to MSFS 2020? Have the photogrammetry areas, cities, bridges, ports, cranes been repaired? What do you know about this?


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it will be the same as in 2020
meaning, it will continue to be expanded and improved as time goes by, but both sims will share the same PG
you wont have better pg in 2024 than in 2020

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This is not good news. It’s horrible in several places, I was hoping it would be fixed or get a major update.


You can switch it off, I have - it increases bandwidth for more important and better implemented features and functions.

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I don’t turn it off. Photogrammetry is needed.

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yeah, well… some places are better than others but overall it is slowly but surely improving
london was pretty bad, and now it has been replaced by a way, waaay better version

the new pg cities are very good
the ones that are bad are the “old” ones, like tokyo that was the first WU i think
overall its improving


London is certainly better than it was, but still missing the HMS Belfast floating museum by Tower Bridge which still requires the old mod from FS2…

That’s not entirely true. Jörg said some cities were already updated (LA as an example, you can check the trailers, it’s different from the current one.). Also Jörg confirmed LA and Miami will be updated for the release (he confirmed the two cities in different interviews, but more cities might have been or will be updated for the release).

But yeah, eventually they will also update the live version of the scenery and both sims will share the same “earth twin”. And yeah, they will keep updating it for both, but Jörg also said not every improvement will be brought to MSFS 2020 because it doesn’t all the graphical engine capabilities needed (so won’t have exactly the same scenery).


I don’t have enough information. The scenes with banner towing appear to be maybe in Miami and the PG interstate looks bad and it appears to be either the same PG or even worse than what we have now but I hope all that was caused by typical server issues. In other videos I saw, the PG looks fine.
Edit note: I just went back and watched the banner towing section as shown in “The VR Pilots” video (about 12 minutes in) and although there are familiar issues (bridges under water and some overly short houses), the PG does look over all pretty good – not sure why it looked bad to me on whatever vid I saw.

What I worry about is an overly aggressive texturing system that covers good imagery with bad texturing as is already the case in many places.
Improve the ground surface textures - Official Microsoft Flight Simulator / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

If it looks different now, it’s likely because you probably saw an earlier release before it was finished. It’s also possible the previous view was on a computer with lower settings, or the scenery hadn’t quite fully loaded.

Never judge a product until it’s released, or you at least know you are looking at the release candidate.

Even now, 2024 is likely close to finished and perhaps at pre-release candidate, but, they’re still likely going to be fixing things over the next couple of weeks, though not likely anything major. It takes a ton of work to prep a software for release, so I imagine the cutoff for changes is possibly early to mid-october.

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Yeah, Jörg said they have a new Miami implemented, but in the trailer build it was outdated. Maybe you saw the trailer.

The texture covering good photoimagery is the AI kicking in to remove clouds/shadows/bad imagery. I Also hope it was improved.

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In one of the articles/interviews someone said the build they’ve tested is already outdated, according to the source it’s months old. They’ve aimed stability for this Preview event.

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MSFS 2024 has better processing of TIN in rural areas which clears down trees and vegitation and puts back rocks, adds surface details and tesselation. So you can expect a lot more national parks. It’s not clear to me if these will come to MSFS 2020.

As for not having better PG in MSFS 2024. There was something Jorg let slip when discussing the UK Photogrammetry update and he seemed to allude that the PG was the highest resolution captured ever but we probably wouldn’t see that in MSFS, implying that you’ll get more of that resolution showing up in MSFS 2024. I might have completely read that wrong, but we’ll see I guess!

with tin you get melted buildings without it you get, even in msfs2024, lego brick houses. Is anything updated in the new sim. Without tin all the buildings looks about the same everywhere in the world, and thats bad. In msfs2020 we have even churches, malls and petrol stations, with an addon from Give us someting, isnt AI doing nothing, in the new sim. I dont want procedurally made stones on the ground, i want more.

Personally I think Tokyo looks fantastic now. Some of the other Japanese cities from WU1 are super-bad (and tiny) though.

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Maybe one thing we can hope for with FS2024 is that with all these new optimisation improvements its possible really super high resolution photogrammetry will be in the sim without it having a huge impact on performance.

I’m more interested in what the future holds for the Blackshark AI in the sim. They haven’t really talked about what improvements, if any, we’re getting to the procedural buildings, or at lease not from what I’ve seen. From the youtube videos there doesn’t appear to be a huge difference but maybe thats not the case. Hopefully its something they’ll talk about in next weeks dev stream.

Photogrammetry, its so little part of the world, i want procedural world to get better.

that’s right, the coverage areas of the new cities is way way larger
in wu’s 1 2 3 etc it was too small
i think tokyo deserves to be given a once over, like london had, such a big city deserves wider coverage, at least past haneda and include the whole area of the bay


I don’t think the engine is the limiting factor here, even the MSFS 2020 can render super high res PG cities (just look the lastest CU and WU updates, they look great). The real issue is collecting data. They need to find providers or collect themselves.

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