It was a long-desired feature during FS2020. Some addons added it with custom programming. But with the arrival of FS2024 and the new ground dynamics model, it has become essential for aircraft like the Caravan, which can even reach very high speeds during taxiing while in idle.
UPDATE: the Caravan actually has Beta range implemented C402 doesn’t.
Just to clarify, we’re not talking about the reverse it’s about the beta range that allows turboprops to taxi at lower speeds without having to continuously apply the brakes.
This is also evident in the Twin Otter turboprop power control.
With a turboprop engine, in order to obtain enough power for flight, the power lever is placed somewhere between flight idle (in some engines referred to as “high idle”) and maximum. The power lever directs signals to a fuel control unit to manually select fuel. The propeller governor selects the propeller pitch needed to keep the propeller/engine on speed. This is referred to as the propeller governing or “alpha” mode of operation. When positioned aft of flight idle, however, the power lever directly controls propeller blade angle. This is known as the “beta” range of operation.
The beta range of operation consists of power lever positions from flight idle to maximum reverse.
Maybe this topic is actually a “bug”, as it impacts the fundamental operation of (all) turboprop aircraft.
I love TurboProps (the TwOtter being my Fav), Beta Range is really needed here!
I agree with the OP. This is very disappointing. In the caravan I cannot get my throttle quadrant to move the full range of the throttle and cannot get into beta. What we need is a turboprop throttle axis with beta and reverse ranges which can be calibrated to a throttle quadrant. This is really a bug rather than a wishlist item. I would love to get a response on this issue from Asobo. This is a carryover from the 2020 list of bugs.
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Upvoted as well.
I like me a PC-6 and while obviously waiting for 3rd parties to deliver, i see a the Asobo PC-6 in my hangar and just don’t want to use it…
Beta range really is the bread and butter of this one, how can it not be implemented here?
+1. Kinda hard to use the mouse when you’re touching down
I think operation differentiates from aircraft to aircraft…
Quoting from a PC-6 manual:
“BETA MODE is provided in descent at airspeeds below 100 KIAS with the
POWER lever near or at the detent. Only small movements of the POWER lever
are necessary to change rate of descent or airspeed. Approaches in full BETA
MODE (POWER lever at detent) are not permitted at airspeeds below 1.3 Vs.”
Furthermore, it states:
“Reverse thrust is for ground operation only and must not be used in flight. In the unlikely event of the
propeller moving to reverse pitch in flight, a sudden increase in drag, accompanied by buffeting and
the PROP LOW P warning caption in the annunciator panel will illuminate.”
That means in the PC-6, beta range is indeed above or directly at the IDLE position, given certain flight conditions are met.