MSFS 2024 - The return of the Starship?

I created this topic to bring attention to an aircraft that is no stranger to early MSFS virtual pilots. I would spend hours flying it on FS 4.0 back in the 90s and it suddens me that has been forgotten and hasn’t seen any serious (study level) update by anyone!

By many considered the “Concorde” of business GA due to the huge leap in technological advancements, for the time, and its financial failure.

Designed by the legendary Burt Rutan (Scales Composites), the Beechcraft Starship 2000 is a high altitude, twin turboprop pusher engine type aircraft with operational capabilities that no other airplane in its class could match at the time.

A truly futuristic concept (hence the name), the Starship features a wing design philosophy that renders the plane extremely fast (in its category), stall proof (due to canard config) with near centerline engines placement configuration that allows single engine operations with near zero asymmetric yaw conditions and the first ever full composite airframe ever to be certified by the FAA.

It was also the first GA aircraft to have commercial style avionics with 16 CRT displays that featured EICAS - Boeing 747/767/777 type - display and functionality, digital checklists, 2 CDU/FMS and MFD operation redundancy characteristics.

A true innovator that was available for those of us who grew up with MSFS in the 90s.

Asobo resurrected Meigs Field, I think it’s time to bring back another blast from the past and honor the Game’s roots but also this groundbreaking aircraft that certainly needs a good study level representation in the virtual world, after its wings were “clipped” by its own manufacturer in the real one.

So, let’s make it happen. :slight_smile:



36 posts were merged into an existing topic: Beech 2000 Starship “Comming Soon”!