First of all an explicit thank to @CptLucky8: Thank you, excellent information!
I have read a lot of threads to the subject of VR and rendering scale… but I do not understand the impacts and dependencies between these two settings for rendering scale in MSFS and OpenXR.
Highly different recommendations existing about it around here, a clear line is not recognizable… !
Can someone explain me how these two parameters influence each other, what are the technical reasons for this setting and… Thanks!
The OpenXR render scale controls the display size exposed to software using this stack. In this case MSFS2020.
The MSFS render scale is a percentage of the device display size to use for rendering the game graphics.
Thus, when both are at 100 (%), OpenXR exposes your full headset resolution to the game that, in turn, renders the graphics at full resolution.
If OpenXR is set at 50% and MSFS2020 at 200%, OpenXR would expose half your heaset resolution to the game that, in turn, would render its graphics using a doubled-size resolution and then scaled them down to fit.
You get the idea for the almost infinite possible settings.
Now, is there a better setting? Yes and no. It’s extremely dependent on your hardware performance. If you don’t have a latest generation monster card, you have to lower down the resolution to gain frames per second.
I am waiting for a newer graphics card (like many!) and until then, my Radeon 5500XT is pumping graphics with OpenXR at 60% and MSFS2020 at 80%. It give me sufficiently smooth VR performance with almost all settings at High.