MSFS Application Error - memory could not be read

First, I didn’t change any settings, just turned off Little Navmap. I used to have it running in the background. I tried turning it off today. Then I successfully completed four flights without quitting the game. 13 hours, but I’m not sure if this CTD is solved, it will take time to prove it, I hope it will help you a little.

Well, actually, Programmers do know… I have created and then found and fixed more Exceptions (mainly Null Pointers) that you have had hot dinners !!

Looking at crash dumps, I can see where the Null Pointers occur, as well a numerous places where the code is correctly testing for null pointers (Zero pointers), and handling them without trying to access that invalid memory location.

Now, left as well as a few remaining zero pointers, are a number of -1 pointers , that are also causing CTDs.
There is no easy solution, apart from a strict code audit, as well as adding better exception error handing.

Getting Exception error handing into WASM, might go long way to reduce these CTDs caused by less experienced Devs, making plane addons, who may not be so experirnced in writting “ROBUST” code.

Then again, I am running teh same ASOPBO code as everyone else, (apart from missing many MS-Store purchased items) and I now newer get CTDs, whereas I was getting them all the time a few months ago.


Thankfully, for me,. MSFS is an Optional GAME in my life – but for those making a living from it, it must be highly disturbing - but then, so are so many other things, like a constantly changing, inadequately documented platform.

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No, but I would imagine that a lot of people are not using the FS ATC at all and use VATSIM instead.

Again: All those “try this”, “do this” or “I did this and then it disappeared” seems to be pretty much voodoo to me. As long as there isn’t someone who had the problem pretty much every flight, did something and then it disappeared for him (or her) for at least 10 flights in a row, I don’t really believe anybody has a real solution yet. The error is just too random.

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Am getting the same issue when going from 2d to vr

128 GB Ram 3800Mhz
M.2 Gen 4 4TB
Asus 3090 White Oc

Reverb G2 V1


Exactly. Last night I managed to complete a flight without any error. That’s after a fresh windows install because I changed the mainboard yesterday. Today I boot up MSFS, went away for two minutes, and when I came back I saw the error message. It’s what bothers me about this error, because there’s absolutely zero indication why it’s happening and seems completely random.

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I contacted Microsoft support , and linked this very forum and the person I wrote to stated and I quote verbatim "other people’s crashes are of no consequence to us " , clearly this person seems to think he speaks for all at Microsoft support ,and that they just don’t care


Welcome to my world. I have uninstalled MSFS and Xbox, including deleting all of the Xbox files and folders from my Drive. Cleaned, defragmented and reboot the drive before re-installing. This gave me 5 hours of trouble-free flying before it came back to the same memory error message. During that time I was able to record an entire flight through the GEFORCE app in an attempt to tax my computer.

Does that Microsoft person understand that we get crashes on plain vanilla system on the PC and the Xbox platforms? Who are this other people?

The fact there is no hot fix for this error is very disturbing to me. I really thought Microsoft wanted this simulator to be the best ever with strict quality control. This simulator is turning into year 1 of FSX. Very disappointing. They sure like launching this Top Gun stuff before completing numerous problems with simulator. Dumb!

No they don’t!

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Yes, that’s true. I am not well experienced in developing. I cannot say how hard this Bugfixes are in a big game. I just know, it can take some time.

This stings my ring so bad.

I have this issue as well. Where is Asobo ??

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Can you please show this exchange in full (retract the emails/personal data). If that is really, truly “verbatim” what they said it is highly unprofessional.

I can assure you that is what this Microsoft Flight Simulator person said , and I quite frankly dont like being accused of lying

Well, rather worryingly this person seems to think he is the appointed spokesperson for the Microsoft Flight Simulator support, ( Note the “us” ), Im sure that Microsoft support does care, but clearly this guy didn’t like the fact that I was doing his job for him, by sharing the link to this forum where the issue was being discussed .

I didn’t mean to accuse you of lying.

But often times there is more to the story and some context would have been nice rather than just a small excerpt. I find it, as I said, very unprofessional if an official support person told you that it’s “of no consequence to them”. They have their phrasings that convey they same thing without saying it out loud, I’m just surprised if they really aren’t doing even that anymore. Was just looking for more context.

After my second day of testing, and trying two routes that I couldn’t have done completely before, I’m now sure I’m away from this CTD when I don’t start Little Navmap, I’m not sure if this applies to everyone, I Luckily I found the reason.


can tell you that the great majority of crashes and performance issues are due to users having third party software or add on mods that cause conflict with MSFS2020. This happens after each sim/world update because the base MSFS2020 application is being changed and if the software/add ons are not updated they can be a source of conflict. If you have not fully reverted the sim to a vanilla state, then I advise you to go through these steps fully:

To find step-by-step instructions by platform, visit our guide “How to restore the sim to its vanilla state”.

We have requested that you send us documents so we can investigate the issue. For your personal issue, other people’s crashes are of no consequence to us - we look at them on a case by case basis to try and determine the cause.

The fact remains that he did say what he said , and thus is not a very professional manner when I was trying to show that mine , was not an isolated case , I and I stand by my comments that he is being unprofessional