MSFS Application Error - memory could not be read

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Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?

Yes, with exception of 78XHEAVY Mod.

Brief description of the issue:

Flying from CYOW to ESSG and when aicraft flies in vicinity of CYBC, MSFS crashes. I do not have any addons in this area. I have WU11 installed. I did the same flight 3 times now and simulator crashed exactly at the same spot all the times. I have Little NavMap Connect running in background and Little NavMap running on another computer to visually check the area when MSFS crashesā€¦ Just above CYBC.
When the simulator crashes, I get the following error:
The instruction at 0x00007FF7BF0DCF94 referenced memory at 0x000000000206F770.
The memory could not be read.
Click OK to terminate the program.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Not able as everything is frozen

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

As indicated above, flying B787-10 from CYOW to ESSG using the following flight plan:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

12th Gen Intel Core i9 12900K, Corsair 64GB RAM DOMINATOR RGB @5600MHz, Aorus Z690 Xtreme Motherboard, EVGA RTX3090, Corsair AX1600i, using Honeycomb Alpha+Bravo, Logitech Pro rudders and Stream Deck XL for flight

If on PC, Fault Bucket ID - Instructions here - Please type in just the Fault Bucket ID # rather than a screenshot for privacy reasons:

No events in the EVENT LOGā€¦ could not locate any failure at the time of PC crash.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

It is the first time I am trying this flight today and crashed at every 3 attemps.

can you share the coords of that point ( e.g. from little nav map ) ? Have you already tried to fly to that coords without a fligh-plan, and different airplane ?

Error Code.PNG

It is literally happening now on almost every flight. I have NEVER had this issue prior to WU11. Nothing has changed on my end. Happens randomly and at random places. So frustrating.

No fault bucket, no pattern to when this happens, no pattern to aircraft, locations, or anything like that when it happens. Nothing.

Ryzen 7 3700X
32 GB DDR4 Memory
GTX 1070
Running at 1080p on Medium Settings


Good evening MichaMMA,

I flew again another flight to Sweden with a different aircraft and it crashed again in vicinity of CYBC. The grids I have captured at the time of the crash are:

  • 49Ā° 7ā€™ 53.47"N 68Ā° 13ā€™ 19.69"W
  • 49Ā° 9ā€™ 33.32"N 68Ā° 10ā€™ 53.59"W
  • 49Ā° 9ā€™ 38.28"N 68Ā° 10ā€™ 41.49"W

So I did another flight with the original aircraft (B787) but with a different flight planā€¦ This time I flew 52nm n-w of CYCB (49Ā° 45ā€™ 10.37N 69Ā° 7ā€™3.33"W) and no crash occured! I was finally able to fly all the way to Sweden!!! Slo I think there is an issue with WU11. I have never experienced that behavior beforeā€¦

Not sure what else to add to try to get the issue resolved, or at least investigated!


Hiā€¦ thanks for coodsā€¦ little hope was that we get a location where this allways happens :slight_smile:

Had the error for the first time today. I havenā€™t changed anything in the past few days. The error occurred in the fenix a320 100 feet before landing on 25L at EDDB.

Hi All,

Wanted to highlight I also have been getting this memory error and subsequent CTD

It started for me the first time I ran the application LITTLENAVMAP, alongside MSFS while parked at the gate, LNM is a fantastic program and its free, not saying this is the cause as MSFS has still CTD with the same issue without LNM Running afterwards.

I am a bit lost, as ive just purchased the PMDG 737800, I have tried 3 flights from EGKK Gatwick to EIDW Dublin with the PMDG and the Memory Fault appears every time I turn in Left towards the final approch for 28L on the approach, its happened in the same spot 3 times.

Really frustrating

Update: Just tried exactly the same flight just without the live weather on, turning onto final 28L at EIDW Dublin, and this time there was no error appearance, only a sudden loss of sound, then CTD.

Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Coreā„¢ i7-11370H @ 3.30GHz, 3302 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
I have 24GB RAM

Dissapointed to say the least

here I have some notes: did you have a three RAM stick setup ? Beside of possible issues in general with such setups - are all RAM sticks of same kind ? And in case you use XMP in this configuration, did you tried already without xmp profiles ?
If you get a normal CTD ( and so far I know also in case of the error popup is shown ) there is a error message logged which you can see within the windows event viewer. Are both errors the same ( with and without the popup ) ?

Hi Thanks for the reply,

The RAM is crucial, not sure if its the same as what was built in to the machine, I am not the most proficient when it comes to the computer setup or checking it all, I will do some research and see what my RAM is, but when I bought it, it was the same coding if that makes sense as what I already has so they could run alongside each other, but yes I believe it is a 3 stick RAM SETUP as I believe I started with 8GB and purchased a 16GB expansion stick which my Laptop has a spare slot for.

If that makes sense ?

Thank you

it can work, but can also make troubleā€¦ I remember a case here with similar setup and enabled xmp mode that worked not fine for the user. Its a guess, by may be worth to try.
What also happen, one channel works in dual-channel-mode, the other not. So, its also not best setup performance wise. But as I read ā€œLaptopā€ : some of the Laptops are bit special, so again its a bit of guess in my sentence :slight_smile: . A simple test can be, to remove the third stick for a test-run.

Perhaps I could try removing the RAM for a Test, but I dread the lag that would happen with the PMDG loaded in, all this being said, I am currently 2hrs into another flight with the PMDG 737-800 EGKK - EPKK, and all seems ok at present, famous last words :smile:

I had a look at the event viewer and there is 1000s of errors and warnings built up over months, if this crashes again I will have a look and see what it says, but from what I can make out there seems to be a lot of the error codes with the number 1010, dont ask me what this means I would not know.

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usually only the red-ones are important :slight_smile:

the yellow ones are often some kind of dcom ( 10016 ) error , etcā€¦ and often not important. About the 1010 Iā€™am currently not sure, can have different reasons.

Just out of interest, what is the XMP Mode you mentioned earlier in the feed?

So weird, just completed a 3 and half hour flight no issues, this is random :slight_smile:

XMP mode are profiles for RAM which made OC easierā€¦ A manufactor store these profiles ā€œintoā€ the RAM itself and you can activate it , and in case your mainboard and CPU can handle it too, you get the full potential of the RAM. But as mentioned, laptops can do ā€œit own thingā€, it depends on laptop model.
And yes, the randomness makes it not easy and RAM is only one possible reason.

Thanks, but Ill probably leave well alone and wait to see if there is a fix or update soon that rectifies the issue.

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Just thought I would highlight my flight to Dublin tonight, yet again on the turn onto final rwy 28L the sim crashed out, there has to be something broken, this is the 5th flight I have tried to Dublin, and it happens in exactly the same place each time. I completed 3 and half hour flights from EGKK - EPKK with no issues, it cant be my RAM set up. I also noticed this feed is pretty quiet, does anyone have any news on this memory CTD situation? Thanks

Apparently several people are having CTDs specifically at EIDW for some inexplicable reason.

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Thats interesting! and gives me some hope! thanks