MSFS compatibility

Hi All,

My first post here, I just want to clarify something before buying FS2020. My system specs are below:

  • Intel i5-6500
  • GTX 1070 8GB Graphics Card
  • 32GB DDR4 Ram
  • I also have SSD which I intend to install FS2020 on
  • Windows 10 home 64 bit

I am wondering whether this system will able to run FS2020 or not. At moment I am on P3D and it works flawless fine with all addons. Any suggestions?

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Welcome to the forum!

System requirements are here (scroll down):

Thanks for the reply - I had a look at the system specs and it looks like I fall somewhere between recommended specs and min specs.

Yes - you’re not going to get top quality, frankly, but it will run with the settings turned down.

If you’re new to MSFS bear in mind that it’s a 10 year project and it has…issues. It’s under a programme of, let’s say, continuous improvement.

Hello @DulcetMite89521,
Welcome to the forums!

My laptop has similar specs except my CPU is i7-7820

I can run it on ULTRA graphics locked to 30 FPS with some adjustments.

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I have a similar system. Medium to high settings. You have to customize the graphics settings.

Thanks guys - I guess I will give it try. I see there are three versions available, which ones do you people recommend? I am more keen to get deluxe version

Really depends what you want. Take a look at this graphic what’s in what version (could be outdated):

For most airports there will be a (better) payware (or if you’re lucky freeware) version available. So biggest decider will probably be planes

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Twas me, I would opt now for middle of the pack, then if Commercial Airliners are/is important, buy PMDG 737-700-800 (separate price for each) I like the 700, and play with that. However, to be fair, personally, think X-plane 12 beta is way easier to configure, I had my flight stick and throttle unit working in under 10 minutes, and the graphic settings are way easier as well. It won’t have the “stellar graphics/view” that MSFS has, but, functionally I think it is easier to get working and fly in it.

I would search this forum for CTD’s, “cannot install or install won’t work” posts and read those as well. This sim was released two years + ago, and still some people cannot get it to work, or work well. Just the other day, my AV/FW software prevented the game from even starting but resolved that.
I spend more time debugging this sim than actually flying in it, and the load times are still over 3+ minutes, whereas XP loads in under 1 minute. If GA VFR flying is your cup of tea, then MSFS is it, if not, and good but not perfect scenery is ok, then XP is your ticket. Your Call.

NOTE: New PC hardware is being released as we speak, Intel, AMD and Nvidia all have Top of the Line components arriving at prices that are not terrible. If, performance is also important, you should investigate newer hardware and this game and XP will both perform way better.

FWIW-Opinion games are what move the PC market, with productivity second and other things third, which I will not mention here.

As a try out, have you considered Game Pass? MSFS is on there and may be cheaper than purchasing outright and not being happy.

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Hi there,
I have a slighty lower machine than yours and I fly smooth with medium/high settings. I customized them after reading several posts and watching several tutorials. I also run addons. Overall quality is acceptable. And, most important, few CTDs.
Good luck!

Thanks - It looks premium version includes the most of aeroplanes. So either deluxe or premium

I think I will start off doing GA flying in msfs, I am hearing good feedback from another people about low level GA flying. As far as jets is concerned - I am leaving that option to P3D for now as I have all PMDGs and Airbuses there

Haven’t looked at that - Although I am not huge xbox fan or like xbox

I think it will run fine - I just have to accept that I won’t be running on ultra high settings.

To a trial subscription to GamePass for PC for 1 month and give it a try. If you like it and it runs acceptably, cancel the sub and buy the sim. You don’t have to own an Xbox or even like consoles to do that.

The game pass suggestion is the way to go for month to see how well it performs on your hardware, then you can see what you want to do then, good luck. Happy Flying.

Yeah I had a look at that - Most likely I will try use that to see how it works then make final decision

Also quick query - How flexible is installer in terms of location? The reason why I ask is I do not really want to install MSFS on my C Drive, I have a 1TB D drive SSD specifically for Flight sim and would like to install msfs into that drive?

With MS Store / GamePass, it forces the install of the core files on the C: drive. That’s the executables and its support files. However, if you pay attention during the install process, it will ask you where you want to install the content, which is by far the bulk of the files. You can select any alternate location you want for that.