Msfs crashes - Buttkicker Hapticonnect

Today I purchased the hapticonnect flightpak for the my Buttkicker gamer pro and it is connecting very well to msfs.

Only problem is that I always get crashes to desktop after like 5 minutes.
With the standard hapticonnect version (sound splitting) I get no ctds.

To those who also use Buttkicker with msfs and the flightpak - do you also have crashes to desktop?
Any Ideas how to get rid of this problem?


(My system: i13900k, Rtx 4090

Yes running Hapticonnect but not experiencing any CTD at all. I’m finding it nice and stable and works much better than previous software i have used for my Buttkicker. I’m running it from a second USB soundcard which is dedicated to Hapticonnect and the buttkicker. Flightsim uses main sound output.

Thanks for you reply.
Today MSFS keeps crashing on starting up a flight because of hapticonnect. When closing hapticonnect everything is working as intended. I try to uninstall hapticonnect, restart the pc and reinstall that app.

I will keep you guys updated.

Update 1: Keeps crashing… I have no idea what I could do…

Update 2: I disabled xmp2, did a reinstall again and fired up msfs - everything was working. Even switching to vr and back again made no problems.
Then I turned on the xmp2 profile again and still everything is working. I don’t understand what’s happening…
Within testing the last 2,5 hours I only had one crash to desktop while tabbing to hwinfo to check temperatures but I think that is okay and can happen.

I will see how this stuff will perform in the next days.

Update 3: I forgot to mention that between update 1 and update 2 I installed simcinnect because I wanted to use simshaker. But I uninstalled it in order to try hapticonnect once again. Maybe this did. the trick?