This is such a strange issue. I haven’t used MSFS for a couple of weeks. I’ve gone through all the unistall/repair/reinstall suggestions and no luck. It just keeps telling me to install gaming services when it’s already installed and running. Looks like it’s going to be a long weekend of fixes
@ CarbonProp,
Have you solved the problem since then ?
I ended up reformatting and reinstalling windows 11 and all my software. I wish I could have found an easier solution.
Even since I updated to Win11, I’ve had the Game Services service refuse to start once.
I had to uninstall Game Services then reinstall it.
Sometimes deleting scenery indexes work. They will install themselves again when you relaunch the sim.
I also have a problem with the gaming service.
The only thing that works for me, i have the go to the Xbox app and repair msfs. Then it starts. I have to do that every time when I start my computer. Very annoying…
hi all
just discovered this forum page and I must address my own issues, MSFS worked fine for like a year and when I reimaged my pc the game no longer opens properly, loading screen fine but as soon as the home screen is about to appear the game crashes, opened it once with admin but no longer works, tried all major fixes above by no luck
Hi: I know I am replying to an old post but i wanted to share my fix and it was simple. First of all i did everything microsoft recommended. I removed and reinstalled the whole game twice and got a warning from my ISP about fare use data downloading police even though I have unlimited bandwith. I removed and reinstalled gaming services, removed and reinstalled Xbox app, I signed out then signed back in and a whole load of other things. Despite all that every time i launched MSFS2020 it opened up gaming services. ok, here is my fix and I hope it works for you:
- Open the XBOX app
- under my library, click on the grey area where the MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIM is shown. (dont click on the arrow within the ms2020 picture
- once you click on the grey area the window to the right will will see the green play button (dont click on it) then you will see two other buttons. click on the three dots (…) then click manage. from the menu that opens select “create desktop shortcut”
- a familiar desktop shortcut will magically appear on your desktop. Click on it to see if the game loads. It worked beautifully for me and i hope it will work for you.
Absolutely just worked for me!! Great post cheers and thank you.
I feel your frustrations. I also have had a up down with MSFS, but awesome. I’ve been on MSFS for almost 8-9mnths, my experience is to re download the sim. It’s frustrating , well was for me trying to get back all my planes. Started on the base unit MSFS Xbox game pass, then purchased the 40th anniversary…, seems still a few bugs or my misunderstandings of the procedures, but my go to is re, download and 98% of the time , hope it helps a little…
Hey I just went on tech talk and there is a top on how to bring your simm back to the ( vanilla ) State… I think I’m going to try it. If I find anything else, I’ll pass it to ya…