MSFS Exe Icon gone

Hi, after installing SU15 today I lost my icon for MSFS. I already tried reinstalling MSFS via the Xbox app (core only), clearing the icon cache and various other things.

This is what it looks like:

It’s quite frustrating as the shortcuts are now practically invisible. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I suspect it’s an issue with the exe itself or something in the registry. I already tried deleting/uninstalling the core game incl. the exe and reinstalling via Xbox app but that didn’t fix it either.

You can create a new shortcut via the Xbox app.

Right-click the entry in the list, pin it to the Task Bar, and see if you get an icon you can use there. Personally, I keep that icon pinned, along with only two others - File Explorer and Chrome. Everything else I use is pinned to my Start Menu.

Thanks - I tried creating shortcuts via Xbox app and Microsoft Store but all of them have the invisible icon instead of the MSFS logo. Creating shortcuts off the exe also doesn’t fix it.

Have you tried repair on the MSFS app? Maybe that will aquire the icon?

try clearing icon cache

Thanks all. I already tried rebuilding the cache via the methodology outlined in the link, but sadly that didn’t fix it. I also did the repair installation, both in Xbox App and System Apps tool.

I read somewhere that some exe icons are referenced in the registry and people had issues with it pointing to invalid references for the image which caused it but I wouldn’t know where to look in the registry for that or whether the MSFS exe even uses this method.