MSFS Hercules H-4 Hanger (Discord)

I just got news we’ve lost the Hercules Flying Club on Discord, this is a devastating loss to the MSFS Hercules Community. A lot of discussion, historical photos, checklists and more are no longer easily accessible in one spot. As a primary contributor of historical data on that server I’m going to do what I can to keep the eight engines running. If you have interest or questions about the virtual and historical Hercules feel free to join. I’ll continue throwing in my oar on this forum, mainly in the Official Hercules thread regarding this history of the prototype. It’s going to take me a bit to collate all the images and data I’ve collected since the MSFS version was released with the 40th Anniversary Edition. If there is burning need or desire for specific historical image, document, or educated guess I’ll be happy to put a rush on it.


Yes I was surprised that the server disappeared too…

That’s unfortunate news. What about the liveries… Will they be posted anywhere else like flightsim-dot-to?

To my knowledge he has left the public hobby entirely. The half a dozen liveries I have I wouldn’t fell comfortable releasing without express permission. It’s a pretty big loss all over.