MSFS on Steam Deck?

It would be crazily good if MSFS could run on a Steam Deck. I know the graphics should be scaled down drastically, but flight simulation on a handheld device is just so cool.

Please share your opinions here.

Edit: For those who are unaware of the Steam Deck, this is it.

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Horrible. No.


why horrible?

why no?

if xplane can do it on a phone, why not msfs on their new device?

Do you mean Stream Deck? If yes, I have the XL and it is amazing.

No, this is about Steam Deck.
And I imagine this should work using Steam streaming if you have a PC running the sim.

No reason why it won’t run. Steam Deck is just a PC in a new form factor.

Of course you will need to install Windows on it and then you can use it just like a PC, install whatever you like.

There’s very little (I’d say zero) possibiliity of running MSFS on the native Linux-based OS though. The Proton compatibility layer is extremely unlikely to support MSFS, and I can’t see Msft trying very hard to get it working - no reason for them to do so.

No idea how good the graphics will be, but there’s no inherent technical reason why you can’t run it as long as you install Windows on the Steam Deck.

I will be getting a Steam Deck as soon as they are released (I’ve preordered) and I will try it and let you know in a few months :slight_smile:

I already stream MSFS onto my phone using Moonlight and its not bad, with a Xbox controller attached to it. Although the desktop experience on 4K is unrivalled, the scenary looks pretty good on a phone too. I don’t see the downside of running on something like a Steam Deck.

Not sure how well it would work with Proton. Most Windows games will run on SteamOS via Proton, but at best of times, MSFS barely works on Windows. Not sure the Steam Deck would have the graphical power to really make MSFS shine, but then again it’s like 800p (if I remember correctly), so maybe.

If you have the Steam version of MSFS, you could just stream it to a Steam Deck for max performance vs depending on the Stream Deck’s hardware.

The good news is that MSFS works decent enough on Steam Proton on Linux already. I personally ran it myself on a GPU Passthrough Open Suse virtual machine and it runs ‘ok’ ish . The major issues I face are lack of photogrammetery and Text to Speech. The latest release of proton-ge seems to have fixed photogrammetry too.

So, things are moving in the right direction already with community work.


Ahh. Thanks.

Thanks - that’s great to know! I plan to test with Windows and Linux when I eventually get it. It will be nice to have a dedicated gaming handheld for when I travel for work.

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