Has anyone tried MSFS in any of the various modes with VorpX? I simply can’t get native VR to look decent in this game with a 3080 and 5600x, so I am trying to find an alternate solution. I’ve come to the conclusion that the game isn’t properly optimized for VR like some other flying games are. I know VorpX isn’t full VR, but I’m curious to see what it looks like.
what headset are you using? I was using a Rift S and everything looked awful. I got a Reverb G2 and now i can read everything from a natural sitting position.
I’ve also found that reducing resolution scaled can increase performance which sometimes translate to a better image.
That all said from the brief google search i performed, it looks doable but it just depends what 3d mode you’re using. You could suffer a performance debuff as some modes are more GPU intensive than others, then it’s just an exercise in futility. You might find better information on the vorpx forums or youtube though. Most people here tweak with OpenXR Toolkit until their eyes bleed and there has been some general success with the toolkit
vorpX is a tool brute forcing non-VR enabled game into VR. MSFS is a VR-enabled game. I highly doubt that bypassing native VR implementation in MSFS by the brute force vorpX approach will yield better result.
I used Reverb G2, now I use Pimax Crystal. Both look great in VR.
What kind of issues are you facing?
Not enough resolution - this may be related to the resolution of your headset. You will definitely not improve it with vorpX
Not enough FPS - go lower with your settings or invest in stronger PC.
What is causing your impression that MSFS image in VR is not “decent”?
why use vorpx when msfs has native vr? vorpx will never be as good.