Hi, I am trying to get my GNS 530 panel on the FlightSimBuilder screen of the GSN 530 using Pop Out panel Manager for the first time.
I keep getting the error “Loading Custom Camera View” during the Pop out process.
The tutorial makes you do 3 panels, but I only need 1 so I created only one line item,
I checked the possible causes looking at the red exclamation sign, The green circle is placed in the center of the GNS, but I did multiple tests positioning it in multiple locations.
There are no other windows blocking the panel
It is not a duplicate because is the only panel I want to use
There are no other pop outs already out since this is the only one I need.
The same problem happens If I test it on a different panel
I also did it in full screen and windowed mode.
I am not sure what else to test, any suggestions?