I prefer my dual 4k monitors or my 4K TV - but it’s fun to actually see this work, and work well! Certainly playable if you’re stuck in bed next to your 2 year old son who refuses to let you leave, and you wanna get in some MSFS sightseeing.
I think I’ve just found my grandson’s next birthday present (his parents don’t want him to have a PC or Xbox).
Unfortunately you need to mod the Switch, and the new versions don’t allow you to… so unless you can find a launch day switch and also mod it, don’t go down that route.
You could get a cheap Android tablet and a bluetooth controller - but you need the Xbox Series X to actually stream the game to the tablet!
I’m sure MS will eventually bring MSFS to the xCloud streaming service and then all this would work.
I think asobo alrrady said in one of the dev video’s or an interview xcloud comes in reach when it runs on xbox.
Can you imagine the response when someone is playing msfs using a xCloudCast dongle attached to the tv with any bluetooth controller for 50 bucks?
By the way much kudo’s for your mod! Now remote acccess to your home network and you would be flying in the train
I bet it offers 500 FPS. SU6 with “performance” improvements folks!
Already have the WireGuard VPN set up, I’ll try that next
I’m not gonna say I’m jealous, but i am.
I would be curious what the frame rate is.
Feels like 30 - it’s running on the series X and the stream is just like a video being streamed over the network.
My Series X is plugged into my router and I have a strong wireless signal on the switch so it’s working really well.
All the other games I’ve tried (PES,FIFA, Mass Effect, AC:Origins) all feel the same as on the Xbox.
The game is streamed at 720p on the Switch and 1080p on an iPad or laptop. No 4K streaming right now.
thanks. If you can turn developer mode on in the settings you can see the FPS rate.
No developer mode on the Xbox.
Nah, most people here are nice! And the initial wave of complaints (mostly justified, though some people overdid it a tad) has died down now.
the hardware requirements for this game are meaningless.
Not sure what you mean. The game is running on my Xbox Series X and being streamed to the Switch. It’s not actually running natively on the Switch!
Very smart parents !!
This maybe able to do it [Steam Deck Portable Console ]
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