MSFS SimConnect vs P3D SimConnect

The MSFS SimConnect is far behind P3D’s SimConnect and lacks a lot of functions. I guess P3D’s SimConnect will be superior for many years.
The number of MSFS SimConnect functions are 72, not everyone working today
compared to P3D’s SimConnect functions that are more than 200, all working.

Will MSFS ever catch up, I just wonder?

Here is the MSFS SImConnect list:
General DispatchProc Working
SimConnect_Open Working
SimConnect_Close Working
SimConnect_CallDispatch Working
SimConnect_GetNextDispatch Working
SimConnect_RequestSystemState Working See Status of System Events
SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent Working See Status of Sim Events
SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent Working
SimConnect_UnsubscribeFromSystemEvent Working
SimConnect_SetNotificationGroupPriority Working
SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject Working
SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType Working
SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup Working
SimConnect_RemoveClientEvent Working
SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent Working
SimConnect_MapClientDataNameToID Working
SimConnect_RequestClientData Working
SimConnect_CreateClientData Working
SimConnect_AddToClientDataDefinition Working
SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition Working
SimConnect_SetClientData Working
SimConnect_SetDataOnSimObject Working
SimConnect_ClearClientDataDefinition No error
SimConnect_ClearDataDefinition No error
SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent Working See Status of Input Events
SimConnect_ClearInputGroup Working
SimConnect_ClearNotificationGroup Working
SimConnect_RequestReservedKey No error, no response
SimConnect_SetInputGroupPriority No error
SimConnect_SetInputGroupState Working
SimConnect_RemoveInputEvent Working
simconnect Exception (20: DATA_ERROR), and using its full path raises an Exception in KH side
SimConnect_FlightPlanLoad No error, no response
SimConnect_FlightSave No error, no response
SimConnect_GetLastSentPacketID Working
SimConnect_RequestResponseTimes Working
SimConnect_InsertString Not tested
SimConnect_RetrieveString Bad response Returns empty strings (either a data or server problem)
SimConnect_CameraSetRelative6DOF No error, no response
SimConnect_AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft Exception
SimConnect_AICreateNonATCAircraft Exception
SimConnect_AICreateParkedATCAircraft Exception
SimConnect_AICreateSimulatedObject Exception
SimConnect_AIReleaseControl Not tested depends on AI objects
SimConnect_AIRemoveObject Not tested depends on AI objects
SimConnect_AISetAircraftFlightPlan Exception
SimConnect_RequestFacilitesList bad response all facility lists are empty
SimConnect_SubscribeToFacilities No error, no response
SimConnect_UnsubscribeToFacilities No error, no response
SimConnect_SetSystemEventState Not tested Depends on Dialog mode
SimConnect_SetSystemState No error, no response Depends on Dialog mode
SimConnect_RequestNotificationGroup Not tested Depends on Dialog mode
SimConnect_MenuAddItem no error, no effect
SimConnect_MenuAddSubItem no error, no effect
SimConnect_MenuDeleteItem no error, no effect
SimConnect_MenuDeleteSubItem no error, no effect
SimConnect_Text Minimal support (TEXT_TYPE_PRINT_color) Simple text works, (TEXT_TYPE_SCROLLING_color) scrolling gives simple text, (TEXT_TYPE_MENU) menu gives no error-no response. (_color) color is ignored
SimConnect_CompleteCustomMissionAction Not tested
SimConnect_ExecuteMissionAction Not tested
SimConnect_WeatherCreateStation Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherCreateThermal Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRemoveStation Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRemoveThermal Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRequestCloudState Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRequestInterpolatedObservation Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRequestObservationAtNearestStation Exception Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherRequestObservationAtStation Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetDynamicUpdateRate Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeCustom Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeGlobal Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeServer Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeTheme Not tested Deprecated
SimConnect_WeatherSetObservation Not tested Depreca

and here is P3D

SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup Used to add an individual client defined event to a notification group.
SimConnect_AddToClientDataDefinition Used to add an offset and a size in bytes, or a type, to a client data definition.
SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition Used to add a Prepar3D simulation variable name to a client defined object definition.
SimConnect_CallDispatch Used to process the next SimConnect message received through the specified callback function.
SimConnect_ChangeVehicle Used to change the user’s vehicle.
SimConnect_ChangeVehicleWithExternalSim Used to change the user’s vehicle and override the sim to use a specific External Sim instead.
SimConnect_ClearClientDataDefinition Used to clear the definition of the specified client data.
SimConnect_ClearDataDefinition Used to remove all simulation variables from a client defined object.
SimConnect_ClearInputGroup Used to remove all the input events from a specified input group object.
SimConnect_ClearNotificationGroup Used to remove all the client defined events from a notification group.
SimConnect_Close Used to request that the communication with the server is ended.
SimConnect_CreateClientData Used to request the creation of a reserved data area for this client.
SimConnect_FlightLoad Used to load an existing scenario file.
SimConnect_FlightPlanLoad Used to load an existing flight plan.
SimConnect_FlightSave Used to save the current state of a scenario to a scenario file.
SimConnect_GetLastSentPacketID Returns the ID of the last packet sent to the SimConnect server.
SimConnect_GetNextDispatch Used to process the next SimConnect message received, without the use of a callback function.
SimConnect_MapClientDataNameToID Used to associate an ID with a named client date area.
SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent Used to associate a client defined event ID with an Prepar3D event name.
SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent Used to connect input events (such as keystrokes, joystick or mouse movements) with the sending of appropriate event notifications.
SimConnect_Open Used to send a request to the Prepar3D server to open up communications with a new client.
SimConnect_RemoveClientEvent Used to remove a client defined event from a notification group.
SimConnect_RemoveInputEvent Used to remove an input event from a specified input group object.
SimConnect_RequestAttachPointData Used to request attach point positions and orientations from a simulation object.
SimConnect_RequestClientData Used to request that the data in an area created by another client be sent to this client.
SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject Used to request when the SimConnect client is to receive data values for a specific object.
SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType Used to retrieve information about simulation objects of a given type that are within a specified radius of the user’s vehicle.
SimConnect_RequestMobileSceneryInRadius Used to retrieve mobile scenery objects that are within a specified radius of the user’s vehicle.
SimConnect_RequestMobileSceneryDataByID Used to retrieve data about a specific mobile scenery object using its object ID.
SimConnect_RequestJoystickDeviceInfo Used to request the name and number of currently connected joystick devices.
SimConnect_RequestNotificationGroup Used to request events are transmitted from a notification group, when the simulation is in Dialog Mode.
SimConnect_RequestReservedKey Used to request a specific keyboard TAB-key combination applies only to this client.
SimConnect_RequestSceneryComplexity Used to request the current scenery complexity setting.
SimConnect_RequestSessionDuration Used to request the duration of the current scenario in seconds.
SimConnect_RequestShadowFlags Used to request the current shadow flag settings.
SimConnect_RequestSystemState Used to request information from a number of Prepar3D system components.
SimConnect_RequestTrafficSettings Used to request the current traffic settings.
SimConnect_RequestVersion Used to request license type and version numbers of P3D and SimConnect.
SimConnect_SetClientData Used to write one or more units of data to a client data area.
SimConnect_SetDataOnSimObject Used to make changes to the data properties of an object.
SimConnect_SetInputGroupPriority Used to set the priority for a specified input group object.
SimConnect_SetInputGroupState Used to turn requests for input event information from the server on and off.
SimConnect_SetNotificationGroupPriority Used to set the priority of a notification group.
SimConnect_SetSystemEventState Used to turn requests for event information from the server on and off.
SimConnect_SetSystemState Used to access a number of Prepar3D system components.
SimConnect_SetTrafficSettings Used to set the current traffic settings.
SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent Used to request that a specific system event is notified to the client.
SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEventEx Used to request that a specific system event is notified to the client. Flags allow you to request a blocking callback.
SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent Used to request that the Prepar3D server transmit to all SimConnect clients the specified client event.
SimConnect_UnsubscribeFromSystemEvent Used to request that notifications are no longer received for the specified system event.
Helper Functions Description
SimConnect_InsertString Used to assist in adding variable length strings to a structure.
SimConnect_RequestResponseTimes Used to provide some data on the performance of the client-server connection
SimConnect_RetrieveString Used to assist in retrieving variable length strings from a structure.
AI Object Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft Used to create an AI controlled aircraft that is about to start or is already underway on its flight plan.
SimConnect_AICreateNonATCAircraft Used to create an aircraft that is not flying under ATC control (so is typically flying under VFR rules).
SimConnect_AICreateParkedATCAircraft Used to create an AI controlled aircraft that is currently parked and does not have a flight plan.
SimConnect_AICreateSimulatedObject Used to create AI controlled objects other than aircraft.
SimConnect_AICreateSimulatedObjectEx Used to create AI controlled objects other than aircraft. Extended for use with disabled simulations and Owned objects
SimConnect_AICreateObjectWithExternalSim Used to create an AI object, overriding the sim to use a specific External Sim instead.
SimConnect_AIReleaseControl Used to clear the AI control of a simulated object, typically an aircraft, in order for it to be controlled by a SimConnect client.
SimConnect_AIReleaseControlEx Used to clear the AI control of a simulated object, typically an aircraft, in order for it to be controlled by a SimConnect client. Extended to be able to remove the AI entirely.
SimConnect_AIRemoveObject Used to remove any object created by the client using one of the SimConnect AI creation functions.
SimConnect_AISetAircraftFlightPlan Used to set or change the flight plan of an AI controlled aircraft.
SimConnect_AISetGroundClamp Used to enable/disable ground clamping on a specific SimConnect owned SimObject.
Camera Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_AddPostProcess Used to add a post process effect to the specified camera.
SimConnect_AddPostProcessMainCamera Used to add a post process effect to the main camera.
SimConnect_CameraPanToView Used to smoothly transition the view of the specified camera to the view of the specified target camera.
SimConnect_CameraSetRelative6DOF Used to adjust the user’s aircraft view camera.
SimConnect_CameraSetRelative6DofByName Used to adjust the specified view’s camera.
SimConnect_CameraSmoothRelative6DOF Used to smoothly transition the view of the main camera to the specified location.
SimConnect_CameraSmoothRelative6DOFByName Used to smoothly transition the view of the specified camera to the specified location.
SimConnect_CameraZoomIn Used to adjust the zoom of the camera.
SimConnect_CameraZoomOut Used to adjust the zoom of the camera.
SimConnect_ChangeView Used to change the camera used by the main view.
SimConnect_CloseView Used to close a view.
SimConnect_CreateCameraDefinition Used to create a new camera definition.
SimConnect_CreateCameraInstance Used to create a new camera instance from a camera definition.
SimConnect_DeleteCameraInstance Used to remove a camera instance from a camera definition.
SimConnect_DockView Used to dock a view.
SimConnect_MainCameraPanToView Used to smoothly transition the view of the main camera to the view of the specified target camera.
SimConnect_MainCameraZoomIn Used to adjust the zoom of the main camera.
SimConnect_MainCameraZoomOut Used to adjust the zoom of the main camera.
SimConnect_OpenView Used to open a new view.
SimConnect_RemovePostProcess Used to remove a post process effect to the specified camera.
SimConnect_RemovePostProcessMainCamera Used to remove a post process effect to the main camera.
SimConnect_RequestCameraFov Used to request the field-of-view of a given view (horizontal and vertical). See SIMCONNECT_RECV_CAMERA_FOV.
SimConnect_RequestCameraRelative6DOF Used to request the XYZ delta offset from the eyepoint reference point, as well as the pitch, bank, and heading of the main view.
SimConnect_RequestCameraRelative6DofByName Used to request the XYZ delta offset from the eyepoint reference point, as well as the pitch, bank, and heading of a given view.
SimConnect_RequestCameraSensorMode Used to request the current sensor mode of a given view.
SimConnect_RequestCameraWindowPosition Used to request the current window position of a given view.
SimConnect_RequestCameraWindowSize Used to request the current window size of a given view.
SimConnect_RequestMainCameraFov Used to request the field-of-view of the main view (horizontal and vertical). See SIMCONNECT_RECV_CAMERA_FOV.
SimConnect_RequestMainCameraSensorMode Used to request the current sensor mode of the main view.
SimConnect_SendCameraCommand Used to simulate user inputs to control camera movement and rotation.
SimConnect_SetCameraFov Used to change the FoV (Field of View) of a camera.
SimConnect_SetCameraHorizontalFov Used to change the horizontal FoV (Field of View) of a camera.
SimConnect_SetCameraSensorMode Used to change the sensor mode of a camera.
SimConnect_SetCameraVerticalFov Used to change the vertical FoV (Field of View) of a camera.
SimConnect_SetCameraWindowPosition Used to set the window position of the specified view.
SimConnect_SetCameraWindowSize Used to set the window size of the specified view.
SimConnect_SetMainCameraFov Used to change the FoV (Field of View) of the main camera.
SimConnect_SetMainCameraHorizontalFov Used to change the horizontal FoV (Field of View) of the main camera.
SimConnect_SetMainCameraSensorMode Used to change the sensor mode of the main camera.
SimConnect_SetMainCameraVerticalFov Used to change the vertical FoV (Field of View) of the main camera.
SimConnect_UndockView Used to undock a view.
SimConnect_CaptureImage Used to capture an image of a view.
SimConnect_BeginVideoStream Used to begin a video stream of a view.
SimConnect_EndVideoStream Used to end a video stream of a view.
Facilities Data Functions Description
SimConnect_RequestFacilitiesList Used to request a list of all the facilities of a given type currently held in the facilities cache.
SimConnect_SubscribeToFacilities Used to request notifications when a facility of a certain type is added to the facilities cache.
SimConnect_UnsubscribeToFacilities Used to request that notifications of additions to the facilities cache are not longer sent.
Menu Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_MenuAddItem Used to add a menu item, associated with a client event.
SimConnect_MenuAddSubItem Used to add a sub-menu item, associated with a client event.
SimConnect_MenuDeleteItem Used to remove a client defined menu item.
SimConnect_MenuDeleteSubItem Used to remove a specified sub-menu item.
SimConnect_Text Used to display a text menu, message window, or scrolling or static text, on the screen.
Structured Scenario Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_CompleteCustomMissionAction Used to complete the scenario action specified by a GUID.
SimConnect_ExecuteMissionAction Used to execute the scenario action specified by a GUID.
SimConnect_RequestFlightSegmentCount Used to request the number of Flight Segment objects in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestFlightSegmentDataByGUID Used to request information about a Flight Segment object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestFlightSegmentDataByIndex Used to request information about a Flight Segment object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestFlightSegmentRangeData Used to request information about a specific range of a Flight Segment object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestGoalCount Used to request the number of Goal/Group Goal objects in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestGoalDataByGUID Used to request information about a Goal/Group Goal object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestGoalDataByIndex Used to request information about a Goal/Group Goal object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestMissionObjectiveCount Used to request the number of Mission Objective objects in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestMissionObjectiveDataByGUID Used to request information about a Goal/Group Goal object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestMissionObjectiveDataByIndex Used to request information about a Goal/Group Goal object in the active scenario.
SimConnect_ResolveGoal Used to resolve a goal to specified goal state.
SimConnect_RequestChildGoalDataByIndex Used to request information about a mission objective or group goal’s children.
SimConnect_GenerateFlightAnalysisDiagrams Used to generate diagrams as shown in the flight analysis UI which can be used, for example, to examine ILS landing performance.
SimConnect_RequestLandingTriggerCount Used to request the number of Area Landing Trigger or Airport Landing Trigger objects in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestLandingTriggerLandingInfoCount Used to request information about a Landing Trigger object’s landings in the active scenario.
SimConnect_RequestLandingTriggerLandingInfoByIndex Used to request information about a specific landing of a Landing Trigger object in the active scenario.
Weather Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_WeatherCreateStation Used to add a weather station.
SimConnect_WeatherCreateThermal Used to create a thermal at a specific location.
SimConnect_WeatherRemoveStation Used to remove a weather station.
SimConnect_WeatherRemoveThermal Used to remove a thermal.
SimConnect_WeatherRequestCloudState Used to request cloud density information on a given area.
SimConnect_WeatherRequestInterpolatedObservation Used to send a request for weather data that is interpolated from the weather at the nearest weather stations.
SimConnect_WeatherRequestObservationAtNearestStation Used to send a request for the weather data from the weather station nearest to the specified lat/lon position.
SimConnect_WeatherRequestObservationAtStation Used to send a request for the weather data from a weather station identified by its ICAO code.
SimConnect_WeatherSetDynamicUpdateRate Used to set the rate at which cloud formations change.
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeCustom Used to set the weather mode to user-defined.
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeGlobal Used to set the weather mode to global, so the same weather data is used everywhere.
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeServer Deprecated.
SimConnect_WeatherSetModeTheme Used to set the weather mode to a particular theme.
SimConnect_WeatherSetObservation Used to set the weather at a specific weather station, identified from within the Metar data string
Observer View Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_CreateObserver Used to create an observer view.
SimConnect_RequestObserverData Used to request all data for a specific observer.
SimConnect_MoveObserver Used to move an observer using an xyz translation.
SimConnect_RotateObserver Used to rotate an observer around a specified axis.
SimConnect_SetObserverPosition Used to place an observer at a specific world position.
SimConnect_SetObserverRotation Used to set an observer’s specific rotation.
SimConnect_SetObserverLookAt Used to have an observer look at a world position.
SimConnect_SetObserverLookAtEx Used to have an observer look at a world position round world corrected.
SimConnect_ObserverTrackLocationOn Used to have an observer track a world position (round world corrected) using an above ground level altitude and accounting for changes in elevation.
SimConnect_ObserverTrackLocationOff Used to disable continuous tracking of the previously specified world position.
SimConnect_SetObserverFieldOfView Used to set an observer’s field of view.
SimConnect_SetObserverStepSize Used to set an observer’s linear and angular step size.
SimConnect_SetObserverFocalLength Used to set an observer’s focal length (in meters).
SimConnect_SetObserverFocusFixed Used to switch an observer’s focus between local and world.
SimConnect_SetObserverRegime Used to switch an observer’s regime (terrestrial, tellurian, or ghost).
SimConnect_SetObserverZoomLevels Used to set an observer’s zoom level.
SimConnect_ObserverTrackEntityOn Used to enable continuous tracking of the specified entity.
SimConnect_ObserverTrackEntityOff Used to disable continuous tracking of the previously specified entity.
SimConnect_ObserverAttachToEntityOn Used to attach an observer to the specified entity.
SimConnect_ObserverAttachToEntityOff Used to detach an observer from its attached entity.
SimConnect_SetObserverSceneryOrigin Used to switch an observer’s scenery origin mode (target or self).
Ground Info Specific Functions - Overview Description
SimConnect_RequestGroundInfo Used to request a grid of ground altitudes at a specific lat/lon.
SimConnect_RequestGroundInfoOnSimObject Used to request a recurring grid of ground altitudes based on a SimObjects lat/lon.
Synchronous SimConnect Specific Functions - Overview Description
SimConnect_RequestSynchronousBlock Used to request a blocking callback.
SimConnect_SynchronousUnblock Used to release a blocking callback.
SimConnect_SetSynchronousTimeout Used to set the error timeout length for blocking callbacks.
SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEventEx Used to request that a specific system event is notified to the client. Flags allow you to request a blocking callback.
External Sim Specific Functions - Overview Description
SimConnect_RegisterExternalSim Used to register this client as an external sim provider.
SimConnect_UnregisterExternalSim Used to unregister this client as an external sim provider.
SimConnect_RegisterExternalSecondarySim Used to register this client as an external secondary sim provider.
SimConnect_UnregisterExternalSecondarySim Used to unregister this client as an external secondarysim provider.
SimConnect_AttachExternalSecondarySimToSimObject Used to attach an External Secondary Sim to an existing SimObject.
SimConnect_DetachExternalSecondarySimFromSimObject Used to detach an External Secondary Sim from an existing SimObject.
SimConnect_AICreateObjectWithExternalSim Used to create an AI object, overriding the sim to use a specific External Sim instead.
SimConnect_ChangeVehicleWithExternalSim Used to change the user’s vehicle and override the sim to use a specific External Sim instead.
Attach Sim Specific Functions - Overview Description
SimConnect_AttachObjectToSimObject Used to create a SimObject and attach it to an existing SimObject.
SimConnect_AttachSimObjectToSimObject Used to attach an existing SimObject to another existing SimObject.
SimConnect_ReleaseSimObjectFromSimObject Used to release a SimObject from another SimObject.
Attach Weapon Specific Functions - Overview Description
SimConnect_AttachWeaponToObject Used to create a Weapon and attach it to an existing SimObject.
SimConnect_ClearWeapons Used to remove all Weapons from a SimObject.
Effect Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_CreateEffect Used to create an effect at a location or attach it to an existing SimObject.
SimConnect_RemoveEffect Used to remove an effect.
Recorder Specific Functions Description
SimConnect_PlaybackRecording Used to playback a specified recording from a specified start time to a specified end time.
SimConnect_StartRecorder Used to trigger the Prepar3D Recorder to start recording.
SimConnect_StopRecorderAndSaveRecording Used to trigger the Prepar3D Recorder to stop recording and either prompt the user or save the recording with a specified file name.
SimConnect_RequestRecordingInfo Used to request information on a recording.
SimConnect_RequestBookmarkInfo Used to request bookmark information on a recording.
Deprecated Functions Description
SetCameraRenderSettings Deprecated
SetCameraColorizationMode Deprecated

These lists just show how far behind MSFS is compared to P3D which is a flight simulator and not only a scenery simulator.

If you want MSFS to improve their list of working SimConnect functions, respond here, and raise your voice.


Erm, the sim has only been out for two months…

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This does work, but you must specify the file extension “.FLT” in the full path of the file in the first parameter, as the sim will save two additional files with the same name but differing extensions “.FSSAVE” and “.SPB”. The file is also saved async, so it may be few hundred ms or so until the file is available for reading after calling this. In the case of an invalid filename, eg one without an “.FLT” extension, it will report error 20 via the error callback.

Hope I’m not wrong but I don’t understand one thing,

if SimConnect libraries are native (that one I mean), don’t understand why they selected managed or .NET heh I’m very curious about this if some one can confirm, describe this selection :slight_smile: I ask this from release date, no answer…

I don’t understand your question either. I’ll try to give you some information that I have.
SimConnect is a native interface in C++ with a C# (.NET) wrapper. You can write a managed wrapper to any native interface, so it’s not that MS selects managed, they simply provide us with both.

@ NguyenQHy

aaaah thank you for this info,

I’ve used before (FS9 also in FSX times) SimConnect with native access without problems but my old apps doesn’t work with MSFS. Due your info I expect that compatibility must be offered, in this case isn’t. I see of course SimConnect .NET DLL in directory and expeceted due this that only wrapper need to be used. Ok, I understand that wrapper but how about that native support? If you be kind only basically point me to some light, I don’t want really (and don’t have yet SDK) bother with other research, so I appreciated that light :wink:

Update: better ask you, you did also some programming with MSFS or you only report sugestions/infos what you have from other topics/users? :slight_smile:

I haven’t tried FS9, but my FSX SimConnect plugin (using .NET wrapper though) does work with MSFS. The C# wrapper exist since FSX (and also P3D), so Asobo simply continues on that.
My understanding is that the .dll is for the .NET Wrapper while the C++ interface should use a .h header.

However, I did not tried using C++ directly, so I might not encounter the compatibility issue you have. I guess it might be that MSFS moves to 64-bit while FSX is 32-bit. That doesn’t affect C# plugin as long as you reference the correct dll, but C++ might be stricter somehow and might require a recompilation.

The SDK kinda comes with the game. You can go to General options, last tab, then turn on Developer mode. You will see a new menu on top, select the last menu item and download the SDK installer.

And yep I have done some plugins for FSX, P3D and MSFS. For MSFS, I made Flight Events ( and a Stream Deck plugin. You can check them out at

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that is what I said previously, used native access, not via .NET DLL wrapper. Ok, if I’ll have reason to do some tests will check SDK and other help on web, thnx.