Msfs stuck at opening screen

Hi all,

After a Pc chrush I’ve restored an Image which I created before SU-14 was launched.

When I open MSFS I get an error saying “Something went wrong…”.

I’ve read this problem is caused because MSFS needs to be upgraded to the latest version. The solutions I saw on the Internet won’t trigger the update to execute.

I would expect to find a “Update now” function within the XBOX-App. But I can only see that I’m the proud owner of MSFS but pressing ‘play’ results in the error (see first screenshot).

Is there any other way to start the download-process?

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Had a similar problem, I went to the Microsoft store and had to update/download the game again. I have the PC version and had to pick that option and then the download begin…it took about 10-15 minutes…now the game is back working so far.

Thanks for your reply @chaztagger.

I saw the “Install now” option (but not an Update-now option). MSFS is fully present on my E: drive so at this moment I think I ‘only’ have to be able to reach the update process.
If all fails I can of course do a complete reinstall but that means I have to go through all my Camera, Joystick and other personal settings. I’d rather avoid that if possible. (or know where I can locate these settings so I can copy them after a reinstall).

I think I misspoke, when I downloaded the game when it was done the update was already there. I am sorry for the misleading info…I hope all you have to do is hit the install button and it works if you havent already that…again, sorry but I am hopeing it will be all good.

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Your settings are kept in the Cloud, and you would be given a chance to reuse them with a new install.
You can keep a copy though, as the Wgs folder in SystemAppData in your main installation folder contains the settings.


@chaztagger No problem, I’m going to try to reinstall MSFS and hope that will solve the problem.

@TheSevenflyer Thanks for your reply. Reading through the “Reinstall” procedures I’m afraid keeping my setting will be the least of my problems, but I’ll give it a try.

I’ll keep you informed

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Easy way to do it, from the Windows Apps & Features menu, select uninstall.
Delete all left over folders, except for your Community folder, which if you have addons, move it to somewhere else for safekeeping.

Restart PC.
Install MSFS from the Microsoft Store library.
After the sim is runnig Ok, move your community folder back in.

Thanks. I’ll just have to locate all the MSFS related files because I installed it on my E: partition. Therefor some Fs directories on my C: drive have shortcuts to the other location. But I think I pretty much get the idea. I’ve made a backup / copy of the “store” directory which apparently contains most of the data.
Doing some latest checks, reboot my Pc and then I’ll uninstall MSFS through the Apps & Features menu. I only hope MS-Store and/or the XBOX app will show me the ‘install’ option. Wish me luck :wink:

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Keep in touch!!

Now we’re getting somewhere…


This could take a while but at-least MSFS seems to be running again.

If I’m correct I can re-fill my community folder because I use Addon-Linker which should contain all my (personal) Airports and Aircraft (PMDG). Worse case will be that I’ll have to reinstall those aswell.

I hope my Camera- and Yoke settings were stored in the Cloud, otherwise I should have a backup of these settings on my HD.

For now, thanks for the assistance (and support). I’ll get back when everything is running again.

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Reinstalling took me a lot longer than I expected even thow I thought I had (most of) my settings stored in backup folders and in the cloud.

  • Even when I double- ánd Tripple checked the desired location and adjusted the option from within the App (which should be E:\Games…).
    We’ll install this game in a new folder at the selected location…


MSFS started to install in the Root of my E- drive for which it created the “WpSystem” map, instead of inside E:\Games.
This didn’t draw my attention at that moment because the Install procedure started and opened a new screen.

  • While the installation procedure was being executed I just watched a movie (or two). The download speed looked promising.

After the procedure was finished I rebooted my Pc and fired up MSFS (without the Addons from my community folder) so that it could start in a vanilla state.
I expected my settings would still be present because they should have been stored in the Cloud. Unfortunately they were reset to the default “High” settings. Because I had screenshots of my previous settings it didn’t take me to long to restore those.

  • After this it was time to take a look to the Content Manager to install the additional content. This was the moment things got tricky.
    After selecting the files and updates I desired I got the message “Not enough space on your E: drive”. This was strange because I was sure I had around 300GB left.
    It appeared that, even when I had previously chosen to 'Remove" MSFS it left (a copy of) the store folder on my previous location. This file was (of course huge). After deleting the old Store folder I could resume the procedure.
    With “only” 59GB to download I assumed this process wouldn’t take to long but unfortunately I noticed the download-speed was only a fraction of the speed I previously reached.

So downloading these content files took at least twice as long as the main installation.

It appeared I had to reinstall some addons (like GSX) because they had stored the location of MSFS in the Registry and couldn’t find the new location. No problem.

Besides some other minor problems I notice some Default scenery’s have “Texture-Bumps”. I’m not sure what’s causing them but this is quite annoying. Also I expected the same (or slightly better) performance which is also not the case. I experience a loss in FPS and spikes. It’s possible I overlooked some minor settings that I still need to adjust so for now I’m releaved I can get up in the clouds again.

I still think this whole procedure could have been avoided when MSFS would detect the newest version (SU14) wasn’t installed. Instead of an option to update MSFS I got the message Something went wrong.
You can say that again…

For now I will try to solve the remaining problems with the scenery-textures and performance and hopefully finish a satisfying flight soon.

Have a great weekend :wink:

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